Older Posts- This and That

My post for the Blogger’s Quilt Festival”

This is a post for the Blogger’s Quilt Festival”

I choose this quilt to blog about because it is meaningful for me in many deeply personal ways. I hesitate to bring this up in a public forum, but many women are going to relate to this, sadly.

As a child I had vivid imagination and was reckless and unafraid of anything . I was loud, lively and loved life.

But after years s in an abusive marriage, I became a completely different person. I understand battered woman syndrome, it causes a withdraw from life and constant fear, loss of trust in yourself. They don’t leave because they are helpless in their own minds. It could be compared to a turtle who pulls it’s head into it’s shell for protection. When you distrust yourself , your judgement, you don’t take risks, you play life safe, you try to be invisible, stay unnoticed so you don’t attract attention to yourself.  You see yourself as helpless, powerless, and that becomes a reality because you believe it to be true.

That was years ago, I got out. I was a single parent for much time after that.. I am now happily married and have 3 wonderful children. And slowly I began to work at healing. Learning to stick my head out a slowly, bit by bit.

Art has been one avenue that has helped to teach me to trust myself again. I think that’s why I began art quilting.

I can take risks . I even have opened  my online art quilting business! That’s  so  big. This quilt was commissioned, the old me could never have done that, who would like anything I made? I am able to recommend my work and promote myself, and be proud of myself.

I think my new freedom  is especially evident in designing and making of a new art piece. I have trust my instincts  again, and other people trust me too because of that. Instead of hiding in a corner, I am shouting look at me “with my loud color choices and out of the box designs”.

This quilt was an especially risky one for me to make but I did it, and I love it! It is a proud moment for me personally.

This is not about self-pity, but how change is possible. It lies within ourselvess to make life what we want it to be. Think of Dorothy’s ruby red slippers. We do not have to accept bad circumstances in life passively. The power always was there within us the whole time. We just have to start to believe again. If we begin to think it and say it enough, we convince ourselves of the truth of it and that my dears, leads to change!

By Barbara Harms Fiber Art

About Myself & My Approach
Art has always played a role in my life, in one form or another. by my teens I had narrowed my focus to painting. I decided I was going to become a serious painter. I joined the Las Vegas Artist's Guild at 15, the youngest member at that time. I was completely out of place, I tried to go unnoticed, a mute fly on the wall, with a big smile pasted on my face.
I've continued to paint most of my life.
After a move to Oregon years later, I was introduced to quilting and fell in love.
I was introduced to quilting & fell in love.
In time I missed the creative freedom painting made possible.

Then I discovered mixed media fiber art, I was home.

It's the creative process that holds the greatest attraction for me. Starting with a tiny seed of an idea; vague and blurred around the edges, I follow where that leads. There are often many changes and adjustments along the way. The result can often be surprizing.

My approach is an instinctual one. Generally, I do little pre-planning. I make creative decisions, choices, directions as they present themselves.
This approach can lead to quite a few changes in the direction.
I love that element of surprize!

Sometimes I have one that I especially like, I can't wait to show someone.
At that moment l feel like a six year old, running home from school, a drawing in hand, excited to show Mom. At those times. I'm smiling like the Cheshire cat.

I’ve had some of my work published in several magazines. which is exciting. But the most gratifying thing is having clients be really happy with their purchased art quilt.

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64 replies on “My post for the Blogger’s Quilt Festival””

I was never in an abusive marriage, but I know women who were / are. So I have at least a slight idea what you’re talking about. The proud feeeling that vibrates through your post is sooo hard worked for – you deserve it. Your quilt is a stunner, and I will for sure come back und check your blog out. Promised !!


I love everything about your quilt-the design,applique, color,quilting….Sorry to hear all that you have gone through. It has made you a stronger person and one that your children can look up to. Keep up the good work with your life and career.God bless you. You will be a role model for a lot of ladies by sharing your story. Bonnie in South,Tx.


I’m really touched by so many positive comments. I know there are a lot of woman in that same situation or worse. It’s funny you can reconize the signs in body language immediately when you meet someone who is or had that in their history. It’s like huge red flags go up.
If even 1 womanreads that and and is touched to see we have the power to change, we are not helpless, then it’s worth the effort and uncomfortable feelings in going public.


Your quilt is stunning and your story moved me deeply – been there done that, and am finding my way out of the horrible insecurity. Thank you for sharing both your quilt and your story!


Thanks for sharing. You go girl!
Say it enough to yourself and you begin to believe it and belief leads to change. We believe what we say to ourselves over time, good or bad. Be nice in how you talk to yourself.


Yes, unfortunately, many women can and will relate to your story. I am one of them.

I know exactly what you mean about losing faith and confidence in yourself because of spending years in an abusive environment. You are so right, though, about realizing that you can make a positive change and the power is within you all along.

It’s taken me quite a while to gain my self-confidence back and I’m still working on it.

I’m glad you got out of the abusive marriage and have created a happy new life for yourself.

Good for you!


It is a blessing to have realized that and work through it.
How many women never do reach that realization. That is where sisters, friends fellow victims can reach out to them to see there is a way out. Because we do reconize someone who has been abused instantly don’t we?


I am so glad that you made it back to real life! This is a wonderful quilt, and I’m sure you have many more (both done and still inside you). Thanks for sharing your story. I’m sure you’re right — there are many who will relate to it on some level.


Thank you so much for sharing your amazing story. I am so thankful that you were able to get yourself out of a horrible situation and become the woman and AMAZING quilter that you are today! You are an inspiration. Your quilt is awesome and wonderful. Thanks for sharing it!


I’m glad your story had a happy ending. Your jellyfish quilt is wonderfu! I didn’t like jellyfish until I saw a special exhibit of real jellyfish in an aquarium years ago and now I think they’re beautiful!


First things first I like your quilt! I love that you have the strength to share about where you’ve come from. I have a friend that I wish could talk to you, we strongly beive she is in a bad situation but is afraid to leave it. I pray for women to have the strength to find there freedom and healthy relationship alot.

Secondly I would like to say thank you for stopping by my blog and leaving a nice comment.


I am so glad you shared your quilt and your story. And I am so glad that you found your way out of the abusive marriage and back to your creative self. This quilt is beautiful and the world is truly a better place because of your art and if you don’t believe me, read the rest of the comments!


So many supportive and wonderful comments. It is so touching. I can’t take any credit, really it was the love and supporrt of so many that helped me. There are so many friends who are friends through the thick and thin. I hope I can be that kind of friend for others in troubled cirstumstances, you know…. pay it foward.


Your story is one we hear so often and I am so happy that you have found yourself in your art. We have a lot inside of us just waiting to get out. Being I do ocean quilts I highly appreciate what you have created in this quilt.


Barbara- I appreciate your your comments, as well as all the others from everyone, so encouraging. Quilter’s are good hearted people.
I did want to thank you for your comment about the quilt, I checked out your beautiful work and your comment means a lot to me. Thanks .


Thank you for sharing your beautiful quilt, and for having the courage to tell your story too. You have come a long way, and often the “trolls” will burst when they are out into the daylight. But it takes courage.
Best of luck with your quilting venture, – let your talent shine 🙂


You chose a magnificent piece to help tell your story. Be proud of all that you’ve accomplished with this. The beauty of it is not just in your quilts, but also in yourself and what you are choosing to share with the world.

~ Meagan


Thank you Megan for your nice words.
But I can’t take credit for getting out of that situation, really I just read everything I could on the subject to help myself and my kids. It helped me to make the changes inside in the way I thought.
There’s lots of help out there, but it starts with what we say to ourselves every day 24 X 7. What we believe becomes reality eventually.


Diane-I just checke out your shiop. And a lightbulb went off over my head!! I’ve often admired your work I just forgot your name when you commented. love your quilts, the colors and designs are my cup of tea I’ll tell you that!


You’re very generous to share your perspective and life experience. It is truly wonderful that you got out and grew into the person and artist you are today. This quilt is fantastic–the coral amazing. Thanks for sharing your quilt’s story 🙂


Thank you for your kind words.
I had a blast with the staghorn coral. I appliqued the large limbs/branches[?] on, then free motion machine thread painted all the tiny little branches. It was so fun!


When I saw the thumbnail for this quilt, I was intrigued. I’m so glad I clicked on it!IT is so beautiful and so free! I’ve got some special fabrics saved up for an art quilt and I’m hoping the inspiration hits…

I’m so glad you found this art. I really believe that a creative outlet does everyone a world of good.

Bravo on your quilting!


Lois, I appreciate your comments.
When I got the commission to make that art quilt, I was surprized by what I finally ended up making. When I’m doing an original art quilt, I work by the seat of my pants, just try this and that and see what works. It’s often the colors and fabric that is the inspiration itself.
So I say, why not just start something with your special fabrics, you’ll inspire yourself I’ll bet!


your quilts (went to your shop–all i can say is OH, MY GOSH!!!!) are stunning. your story so poignent. i know people who’ve been in similar circumstances…a friend who played the piano beautifully but i didn’t have a clue for a couple years until she moved out. so wonderful you’ve been able to reclaim yourself!! thanks for sharing and have a great day.


First, it’s a beautiful piece. Second, thank you for sharing your story and kudos to you for learning who you are and continuing to embrace that woman.

Finally, what I love most about art, of any variety, is the different interpretations each person can have. For instance, while this may have been a commissioned quilt, what I see is the artist has added bold colors and contrast while also creating movement toward the reflection of sunlight, warmth, peace. Your story just reflected what I interpreted in your piece. As I said, it may only be my perspective but thank you for sharing both.


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