Starts & Finishes

Barbara Harms Fiber Art & More

Decorate Your World; Unique Art, Furniture & Accents

“Why do two colors, put one next to the other sing?”

Pablo Picasso

art work Available Work Decorate Your World Decorating with style Home and Garden inexpensive art quilt Inexpensive art quilts,, Misl New quilts News Recent Posts shop Silk Paintings Stylized Floral Gallery Stylized Flowers Art Quilts stylized nature

I Had A Little Idea


When making these art quilts, I had an idea,”Why not make several different framed art quilts, each one unique, yet designed to be hung together as a grouping?”. Sold together as a group, it would make an attractive display on the wall. 


Inkblot art quilt


Brilliant! Clever! Amusing!

Uncategorized… What a view , it will knock your socks off…
Abstract and Geometric quilts art work Decorate Your World Nature Gallery Nature Quilts New quilts Silk Paintings stylized nature Stylized Nature Gallery Trending Decor

Starts & Finishes

Take a look at this video on YouTube:

Starts & Finishes

barbaraharmsfiberartgalleries Stayin inside, disinfecting door knobs loses its appeal pretty quick. I wish I were Travelin.

Starts & Finishes

Nature Gallery

A few of my art quilts with a theme of nature, from birds, flowers to landscapes.

art work Blog posts Dark Fog Starts & Finishes

Decorate On A Dime Decorate Your World Decorating with style

A close view of the beautiful detail found on this gorgeous silver mirror.

Starts & Finishes

About My Work

I can’t remember a time in my life, when it wasn’t filled with art. I was a painter most of my adult life. When exposed to a new art form, art quilting, it was a perfect fit.

My love of painting painting could be combined with techniques used in quilting, expanding my creative choices. Offering new directions to explore. It was exciting.

The greatest appeal for me in creating art is the creative process. The work takes a direction all it’s own. Following where it leads can be surprising. I love that element of surprise!

When I’m especially pleased with a art quilt I’ve finished, I can’t wait to show someone.

I feel like a 6 year old running home from school with his artwork in hand, he can’t wait to show Mom!

When I’m excited a art I’ve just finished, I’m like that 6 year old. And I’m smiling like the Cheshire cat!