
What is fiber art anyway?

” Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail” 

Ralph Waldo Emerson

This quote from Emerson could be applied to the many fiber artists who forged ahead off the path into new directions that many “authorities” looked to as judges of good taste.

Those leaving a trail that others will follow. They new direction, leave a trail for others to follow. They are unconcerned with their break from what is accepted as “real art.”

Every new innovation meets with resistance from the ones who have set the lead in desiding what is proper HAS THE “E3XPERTAA.

h this artform. Theydon My follow the path that leads to convention art, bnut forge ahead makinmg their own paths the herading Fiber

This quote from Emerson applies  when considering the field of Fiber art. This new art form has left the established path and is leading it’s own trail. It’s forging ahead breaking new ground in the world of art.

In the history of art, new paths which differ from the mainstream are often met with resistance by those who are the authorities who set the standards of taste. It often takes time for acceptance. Take the example of  one of our most popular art styles, Impressionism Acceptance within the art world came slowly and with much struggle. Acceptance of fiber art as a ligament art form rather than being viewed as arts and crafts. The perception of fiber art is changing. Great strides have been made.Acceptance is coming in many ways, acceptance into many galleries, shows featuring fiber art and galleries dedicated to that art form. Yet many people are unfamiliar with fiber art in it’s many forms. As an example in reference to the phrase fiber art quilting and the related types of works, some are unfamiliar with what this is and what to do with it. There is room for improvement in acquainting the public with this new at form.

Within the classification of “fiber art” there is much diversity,  it can be difficult to find a universal label to cover the many directions being followed. Fiber has been with us a very long time, weaving, knitting, quilting, and much more. Most of these items initially had a utilitarian purpose essentially. Yet when you look at a beautifully appliqued and hand quilted bed quilt from years past, can that beautiful creation be considered as merely utilitarian?

 All the effort, imagination and technique use to create it was done to be enjoyed by the viewer.There are a large number of differing opinions & viewpoints, clarification will come with time.

This new and emerging field of art continues to open door’s which lead in new and exciting directions.

For more information about Fiber art I suggest looking on TAFA’s website. It has a wealth of fiber art and the creators displayed. There’s much to enjoy with this wonderful art form.

I have an interview with TAFA’s founder Rachel Biel which you might enjoy. Rachel Biel is the driving force behind TAFA> She is an amazingh women, who has dome so much to raised awareness of fiber art in general, she has worked to the made many personal sacrifices to Promote awareness and worked equally hard to promote her TAFA artists. There are so many talented artists with work on display.Would you like a clearer view of the diversity of this art form?Would you like to find an a selection of fiber artists who’s work speaks to you, perhaps get an idea of art you would like to purchase? Again Tafa will familiarize you with many of the top artists in the field. 


TAFA Tour 110712


By Barbara Harms Fiber Art

About Myself & My Approach
Art has always played a role in my life, in one form or another. by my teens I had narrowed my focus to painting. I decided I was going to become a serious painter. I joined the Las Vegas Artist's Guild at 15, the youngest member at that time. I was completely out of place, I tried to go unnoticed, a mute fly on the wall, with a big smile pasted on my face.
I've continued to paint most of my life.
After a move to Oregon years later, I was introduced to quilting and fell in love.
I was introduced to quilting & fell in love.
In time I missed the creative freedom painting made possible.

Then I discovered mixed media fiber art, I was home.

It's the creative process that holds the greatest attraction for me. Starting with a tiny seed of an idea; vague and blurred around the edges, I follow where that leads. There are often many changes and adjustments along the way. The result can often be surprizing.

My approach is an instinctual one. Generally, I do little pre-planning. I make creative decisions, choices, directions as they present themselves.
This approach can lead to quite a few changes in the direction.
I love that element of surprize!

Sometimes I have one that I especially like, I can't wait to show someone.
At that moment l feel like a six year old, running home from school, a drawing in hand, excited to show Mom. At those times. I'm smiling like the Cheshire cat.

I’ve had some of my work published in several magazines. which is exciting. But the most gratifying thing is having clients be really happy with their purchased art quilt.

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