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Who loves flowers? Come on, a show of hands!

C                                                                                                                                                               Spring flowers, who loves them? A huge show of hands go up in response, in our minds anyway.  How many of us lose our breath over beautiful flowers? Or your heart rate raises dangerously high when looking at a bed of your favorite flowers?  Who can get enough wonderful, glorious flowers? There are never enough flowers for us, are there?

I’m guilty of all the above.

One of the thread painted peonies

Come spring I plant a truckload of old-fashioned English cottage flowers, foxglove, Delphiniums, hollyhocks, forget me nots, hardy geraniums. phlox, all to compliment my 50 +  David Austin roses, not familiar? Think petal counts of up to a 100,  old-time fragrance that’s non-existent in modern teas. One even had a perfume named after it, Evelyn was used as the basis of that lovely perfume.

David Austin roses
David Austin roses

They are bred with a mixture of old-time roses Although most of them rebloom after the first flush and continue to do so.

They fit in so well, wonderful soft romantic colors that mix so well in a cottage garden. . Then don’t even get me started on peonies, I can go on about them as much as I can roses.  I take a massive amount of pictures as you may have noticed by my posts.

When I’m not planting them or smelling them or photographing them then I’m quilting them. As a quilt artist, flowers are a common theme in my work.

. Back to my post…Oh thing more, I’ll find a few photos of my garden a few years ago when it was had an especially good year, so I can brag on it.

After all this waxing poetic, What do you suppose the subject of one of my  new quilts? surprize! Stylized spring flowers, a no brainier that.

So if you are a flower affectionatos,  this is for you.


In Progress Older Posts- Starts & Finishes Uncategorized

Some progress on thread painting the floral quilt

Worked some more on the quilt in progress, thread painting the flowers. Not done, but it’s coming along. Here’s the progress since last post.   

so far so good


work in progress
I'm liking these Hollyhocks, wasn't sure about the color but it has grown on me.




That’s it for now. It;s always so strange to me when I make something and then look at it and say to myself; “Self I like this” . How does that happen? You draw a little bit, cut a bit, sew a bit and wowsers! Something pretty come out  of that. I’m always a little bit surprised by the process.   
