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How to manage my 24

There are only 24 hours in any given day, no more, no less.

Funny thing, everyone has those same 24 hours. So how do they manage? Answer? Scheduling. Planning ahead for the allotment of time they wish to devote to each activity.

So the question I have for myself is “What am I going to do with my 24?”


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It Passes So Quickly

One day, for some reason, I read some my older posts. As I read, I noticed a common thread running through many.

I often seemed to be in a dither, “My shop is empty. My oh my! I need to make more quilts, More! More”. There weren’t enough hours in the day to  accomplish everything. 

It occurred to me that perhaps I was making  excuses for myself…hum, Could I benefit from an examination of my time management.

There are only 24 hours rs in any given day, no more, no less. The thing is, everyone has the same 24 hours. How do they manage? The answer is  scheduling. Planning ahead for the allotment of time they wish to devote to each activity.

So the question I have for myself is “How am I going to use my 24?”

In any case, here’s a few more quilts to show you. The first is The Red Egret. I noticed that I had never posted photos of  the finished quilt. The  other is “Color Melts”

It’s a silk painting, with the slightest amount  of thread work to add a touch of detail. It’s mounted on stretcher boards. It is quite long, 44″, making it hard to photograph the entire builtin one shot. I divided the photos into 3 sections. I included the links to my website and Etsy shop in case you might be interested in either one.

My website link

My Etsy shop my Etsy shop

Color Melts a fiber art
One of the fruits of my frenzy of  art quilting

Silk painting detail Color Melts

Color Melts B. Harms
A closer view

Red Egret

Details of his head and feathers

Color Melts-Barbara Harms
Red Egret entire art quilt





By Barbara Harms Fiber Art

About Myself & My Approach
Art has always played a role in my life, in one form or another. by my teens I had narrowed my focus to painting. I decided I was going to become a serious painter. I joined the Las Vegas Artist's Guild at 15, the youngest member at that time. I was completely out of place, I tried to go unnoticed, a mute fly on the wall, with a big smile pasted on my face.
I've continued to paint most of my life.
After a move to Oregon years later, I was introduced to quilting and fell in love.
I was introduced to quilting & fell in love.
In time I missed the creative freedom painting made possible.

Then I discovered mixed media fiber art, I was home.

It's the creative process that holds the greatest attraction for me. Starting with a tiny seed of an idea; vague and blurred around the edges, I follow where that leads. There are often many changes and adjustments along the way. The result can often be surprizing.

My approach is an instinctual one. Generally, I do little pre-planning. I make creative decisions, choices, directions as they present themselves.
This approach can lead to quite a few changes in the direction.
I love that element of surprize!

Sometimes I have one that I especially like, I can't wait to show someone.
At that moment l feel like a six year old, running home from school, a drawing in hand, excited to show Mom. At those times. I'm smiling like the Cheshire cat.

I’ve had some of my work published in several magazines. which is exciting. But the most gratifying thing is having clients be really happy with their purchased art quilt.

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