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A Look Back Over My Shoulder, A glance At The Past

It felt good to have finished my Iris quilt.

It’s hanging in it’s new spot in it’s new home.

I did this commission for a friend, who commissioned it as a gift for one of her friends. It’s such a good feeling when you’re happy with the result of a work you started.

I think many artists are perfectionists, they often find it difficult to stop tweeking with their work. They’re looking for perfection & there’s always “something” think of adding which you feel would be a slight bInmo

find which you might would be a slight improvement, if you look long enough. Learning when to say “enough is enough” is hard to do






Blog posts What's new?

Been out of touch, too much going on, my head is spinning. I’ve been working on 4 quilts, one of which is for a friend. That quilt is first in line. I’m having fun working on it. The other 3 can wait, they’re for my Etsy shop.They’ll get there.

Blog posts Inspire! stylized nature

Think Art, See Art, It Surrounds Us.

Don’t you agree that one of the things which have a great effect on our lives is, what we think, our attitudes & what we believe to be true?

When we are convinced something is true, it colors our perception. If what we happen to believe is  wrong, the conclusions we draw could be wrong.

Nature Quilts Recent Posts Starts & Finishes Stylized Flowers Art Quilts What's new?

The Finished Quilt, in it’s new home, Australia

Here’s the royal poinciana

“Here’s The Finished Quilt”

Now that this art quilt is completed, I’m going to share a few more photos of it, in it’s final form. Many of the elements in this quilt will look familiar, because I’ve been posting photos all along, showing it’s progress as I’ve worked on it.

Recent Posts Uncategorized

How to manage my 24


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It Passes So Quickly

One day, for some reason, I read some my older posts. As I read, I noticed a common thread running through many.

I often seemed to be in a dither, “My shop is empty. My oh my! I need to make more quilts, More! More”. There weren’t enough hours in the day to  accomplish everything. 

It occurred to me that perhaps I was making  excuses for myself…hum, Could I benefit from an examination of my time management.

Blog posts Just Fun Recent Posts This & Thàt Uncategorized

Bee Whisper, “Will You Bee my minion?” “I do”


Internet Just Fun Older Posts- Recent Posts The internet This & Thàt Uncategorized

The Pigs Are Flying!

I have finally finished the long promised, illusive website which I have spoken of endlessly for months. Any second it would go live. But I realized finally the hopelessness of my quest. I lacked the most basic knowledge and skill needed. The advert for this template site was “Anyone could build a website in an afternoon”. “I’m an anyone, so why not?” I thought. Because no one counted on this anyone as so hopelessly beyond the simplest skills that any 4 year old child possesses. Months and months have passed. Finally with endless hours of tech support, a miracle! The Pigs Are Flying!

But it’s happened,  Come by and see.

The p20140513-172657.jpgigs are flying!


Abstract and Geometric quilts Blog posts Just Fun New quilts Older Posts- Silk Paintings Stylized Floral Gallery Uncategorized What's new?

Do You Dream in Color follow up -it’s a real quilt!
Too may extra shots of espresso in your latte?
Abstract and Geometric quilts Archeives Blog posts Older Posts- PHOTOGRAPHY Photography a Door To Ceativity Silk Paintings Starts & Finishes Stylized Flowers Art Quilts Tutorials What's new?

Photo Editing Programs- New Tool For Designing Art Quilts?


This is the photo I used as a basis for the currently unfinished art quilt


If you visit my blog very often, you might have noticed that I haven’t posted as frequently as I usually do. I’ve had a few things going on, so I’ll try to catch you up in the next few posts on anything that might be interesting.
My Etsy shop is looking a little depleted lately. My last sale was four quilts that will be going into Oregon’s new state hospital, I felt pretty proud to be included  in the art choices for it  So that’s a nice thing to share.
My Etsy shop is looking a little depleted lately. So what that means is I need to get busy and make quilts! That is just what I’m doing, making quilts and loving it.
I’m currently experimenting with what may prove to be a useful tool to generate a little creative inspirations.
I’ve been playing around with Photoshop using some of the special effects edits and have had a few results that I liked enough to put into my future projects folder. One that looked like an old photo negative. The colors-seem reversed. It looked like good art quilt material. So I tried it out, made one. I thought the result was interesting, I’m going to try a few-others.

BarbaraHarmsFiberArtDogwood abstract#2

Impressions Of Spring

Above Top-Here’s the art quilt, it isn’t capturing the photo effect.I found it hard to duplicate the thousands of tiny drops of colored ink that made up the photo.

Reminds me of Neo-Impressionist Seurat lots and lots of colored dots make up the picture. In this photo edited dogwoods, printed with zillions of tiny drops of-colored ink.  I’m intrigued with the idea, easy to do with paint, but thread?

Here’s another which gives a clearer view of the tiny drops of colored ink that create the image. I’m thinking about this idea, how to achieve this effect on an art quilt.


 Reminds me of Noe-Impressionist Seurat lots and lots of colored dots
Notice how many different tiny drops of color here?