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Completed Kraken

Here’s the finished commissioned quilt.

Stormy sky, when ready to begin quilting , was hard to decide what direction to go with.

Disclaimer:I know that I take a whole lot of pictures of works.  I just want to mention that this is what happens when you give  a digital camera and a web site,  to a photography enthusiast… a whole lot of pictures are sure to follow, maybe so many you’re getting  bored looking.. Kind of like a home movie of someone else’s vacation, “Oh look! Here’s that tree we liked, and here’s where we stopped to use the bathroom on the drive there, oh oh,  here’s a good one- the inside of our motel room and then there’s that great motel sign outside”…Sure technology has it’s good points, but then,…there’s the dark side no one wants to mention…

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Follow Up on The Kraken art quilt

I’ve made a bit more progress the commissioned art quilt, I’m affectionately calling The Kraken.  Everything is fused down and I’ve started the thread painting. It’s a change from  my normal subject matter, but I”m having a blast. My client loves octopuses and I think she’s gonna really like this, I decided to add a second octopus just to surprise her.  here’s some progress photos

My “surprise”
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Beginning a commisioned silk painted art quilt

This is a quick over view of the process of creating a hand painted silk art quilt and the process of working on a commissioned piece of art, as apposed to whatever you may feel like doing.I have found some of my best art quilts have come from a commission. There is a fine balance between  you as an artist creating original work and making something dictated by another person’s taste.

It’s not as  hard of a seeming conflict to reconcile as it might seem. Someone who has commissioned a work from you already likes you work and style. They want one of your creations. So if you communicate well, ask a lot of questions, have them send pictures of something similar to their idea, and you in turn  send photos to them as well, to clarify what they are picturing.

I always think of the analogy of going in for a haircut. You clearly tell the hairdresser what you want and she seems to understand exactly. When you get home, arggh-this is NOT what you wanted. What went wrong? She thought she understood you and you thought she did, but she understood what she thought you were saying.

So this step is crucial. Send a sketch or 2 of what you think the client wants, get feedback. Here’s an idea my client had and some examples of sketches I worked up and sent to her.

Not exactly right. It was my interpretation of what I thought she would like. I didn’t sense enthusiasm.  Back to the drawing board. She wanted a large kracken or octopus threatening the ship.


Next step translate her vision into my vision and style. I painted the background. I decided a big raging storm would be cool. I let a spot where I can applique a ship behind a wave on the left. More painting to come as well.

Big Storm

I painted my ship roughly. A few light pencil marks to guide me. The silk is already fused to Wonder Under by Pellon. I played around with placement before I cut it out and fused it down, as shown in next picture.

Below, the ship cut out and fused down.

More later, the Krackin! Stay Tuned!
Had enough for 1 sitting? More later.
PEACE OUT FOR NOW. Who said that? It sounds so cool.

The painted Octopus on silk, ready for applique.
Playing with placement

It’ time to send some progresses photos to your client, get their reaction.

Ocean floor, a sunken ship
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Starry Night a new commissioned quilt

A few pictures of a new commissioned art quilt I’m working on for a very sweet customer. This is her 2nd commissioned order and we’re planning a third. I love commissions, customers come up with ideas for quilts that never occurred to me. It is fun to get a fresh perspective and to run with their idea and make it happen. Many of my favorite quilts have been commissioned ones. This one is no exception, she wanted a starry night sky. I would not have thought of that, but it was the funnest quilt to work on. Here’s some pictures of the almost finished quilt.

Hand painted silk art quilt, with applique

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That’s A Wrap! Seascape with Jellyfish

Just to finish the story, here’s is the finished quilt pictures of the commissioned Seascape with the Jellies.

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Jellyfish Sea Scape art quilt part3

Here’s the next installment on this commissioned art quilt. It’s quite big so lots of room to incorporate ideas but lots more work. So here’s the pictures below.

That’s it for now, I’m liking it so far a lot. See Ya! Any opinions?

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stage 2 jellyfish art

Here’s some progress shots on the new art quilt as promised.

coral ready to be fused down

one of the fish ready to be fused down
close of fish ready for fusing

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Starting a new jelly fish art quilt-a peek

I have a commission for an under water scene with jelly fish that I’ve begun. I’m liking it so much that, I’ll post a few pictures as it progresses.

Here's a start on the wonky pieced background.
More progress

some details of applique
Some details of the applique

I’ll keep you posted.

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Another original silk painted art quilt Part 2- Heron, Cattails and Moon

This is the 2nd new art quilt, commissioned for a very special lady [you know who you are Missy]

This is similar to another earlier work, it’s a series, that’s what it is!

Heron & Cattails Under the Moon

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2 new commissioned works completed-wanna see? Part 1-Birds and wisteria vines.

——-Here’s a couple of new works I finished for a commission. I’m so fascinated with painting  birds these days and having a blast painting them , then appliquing  them .

Both of there art quilts are hand painted silk  with lots of applique and thread painting. I’m going to post way too many pics of these, so push through if you’re tired of all the details.

This is part 1- birds and wisteria vines.

Warning: Digital cameras can cause an excess of photographs to be taken. Be warned! They are great but I get carried away with. Feel free to scroll down if I’m boring you to death.

Please  leave comments, [especially compliments, I just love those! Criticism, not so much!!!]

and tell me what you think. {Clearly I’m fishing for compliments here! Sad really..}.

Wisteria With Red Birds
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