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Today’s the day, I’m excited!!

This has sold, One of several photos that hatched the inspiration for this quilt.!

I’ve been rattling off about being featured in Art Quilting Studio magazine. The feature will follow the progress of making this quilt, and the inspiration behind it. It was about finding inspiration everywhere and grab a pic of anything that interests you. It doesn’t have to be super high quality photography. Take your phone and snap it, it might give you inspiration later. With the few photo’s I took one late afternoon that was just about dusk, and there was a beautiful sunset with a row of trees silhouetted, it struck me.

So I took my handy phone camera out  and snapped off a few pics from the window of the moving car Shock this photo violated every rule of photography.

Still, I liked the blurred result when I saw them, the movement. But what I liked the most was the dark trees with the golden sunset behind them. I was at once struck with the thought “art quilt”, this was a future quilt in the making.

So inspiration can come from the strangest places, with digital take lots of pictures, delete the ones you dislike, file away for future ideas the ones you find interesting. You’ll never run short of inspiration.

I made the quilt. When an editor for Art Quilting Studio magazine approached me and suggested I submit this with the story, process of making it. I was happy it was going to be used. Here’s the quilt, the article came out today.

Art quilts, Barbara Harms Fiber Art, 1131 SW Ellis St, Dallas OR 039
This is 60 MPH Sunset
Art quilts, Barbara Harms Fiber Art, 1131 SW Ellis St, Dallas OR 039
This is 60 MPH Sunset

"60 MPH Sunset"

60 MPH Sunset

60 MPH Sunset-available for sale

60 MPH Sunset -
Detailed view

Hope you get to see my feature.

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60 MPH Sunset I finished the quilt.

In an earlier post I related my little experience after purchasing my new iphone.  I was excited  on the drive home, couldn’t wait to tear into that bag. So there I was digging into the bag, pulling out all the contents. I checked out all the packaging, the new clever little box that my phone came in, all the information on those mini booklets that manufactures put into the packaging with their products. You know, I was doing what everyone does with a new purchase. You’ve all done that too right?

My new phone was wonderfully full of possibilities. I began playing with my new toy. I was busy trying out all the new features on my phone. I was pretty focused on all this.

As we’re cruising along, I finally looked up from the phone. There was a breathtaking sunset, not just any ole sunset, it was a “I’ve got to get a picture of this!” kind of moment..

Obsessing over the necessity of a photo of this fleeting wonder of a sunset, I was actually distracted away from the phone. “Oh isn’t this always the way” I say to my husband “here is a perfect photo-op and where is your camera when you need it?” Home safe and sound in its comfy little camera case.

A thought starts to form in my little brain, “Well my new phone does have a built in camera dosen’t it. …humm.And I am    checking out the phone’s features aren’t I?” Well I answered my own questions and descided “Yes! This would make a great test.”

I  did the unthinkable, gasp, I took a photo from out of the window of  a moving car. In fact, I took several photos, yes I did!!! After I downloaded them to my computer, surprise, my phone took better photos than I expected. Several in particular I really liked, a row of popular trees lining  the highway silhouetted by the sunset. The minute I saw those photos, the first thing that popped into my mind was AN ART QUILT!!! .

I’ve posted photos of the quilt as it has progressed. It has taken a while even though I have been working steadily, all those many branches on my popular trees take loads of  time to thread paint.  

I’m finished, here is the result, 60 MPH Sunset.

60 MPH Sunset 

69 MPH Sunset, an art quilt

60 MPH Sunset

60 MPH Sunset