Blog posts Inspire! Just Fun PHOTOGRAPHY Photography a Door To Ceativity

Rediscover your childish imagination

Fuel Your Creativity 



These trees remind me of a fairy tale. Dust off your childish imagination, and enjoy a world where the trees have faces, and there are tiny stairs leading to their tops. Little creatures can make their homes among their roots, in all the little nooks and crannies. Enjoy the world of pretend!

Blog posts Inspire! Just Fun Recent Posts This & Thàt

We went somewhere, in a toy plane!                      



We recently took a trip to see family.


We set out in a very tiny plane.

Do most people actually fit into this narrow isle?


Planes have gotten a lot smaller these days. We were in no position to complain, we had found a budget flight, we didn’t expect to be seated in first class, still we

Archeives Blog posts Entertain in style Just Fun Older Posts- Uncategorized


I will attempt to correct my earlier mishap post , which combined 2 different threads in one post. It was  was accidentally mis-posted uncorrected. I seem to be finding myself with this problem quite frequently. i took it for granted they were the fault of Windows, Word press or whichever platform I used. “Cursed be Windows or WordPress, how unreliable” was my battle cry..But lately I am noticing a pattern the common denominator seems to be me, in every case.

 Well honesty is raising it’s annoying little head shedding light and reason on the subject. I have to admit to an unpleasant thought which has occurred to me,  it is not the fault of Windows, nor is it the fault of Word Press, it certainly is not the fault of my computer. It might be me, oh of course it is me. So sorry dear readers, I am the source of these little mishaps.

I’m hoping you find this charmingly amusing,”Oh that Barbara Harms, she is such a nincompoop”. Yet you find yourself strangely drawn to read on anyway, even if it is only to be amazed at the level of  of ineptitude, surely this is not possible.  Perhaps it has become a little game, mark your calendar, “oh here’s another one, I can’t imagine any one person capable of so many blunders!” Soon you’ll begin to look for them, like a lively game of “Where’s Waldo?”. And don’t we all love that game? Of course we do!!

Here’s another opportunity, I am going to correct that post, with a long drawn out one [that’s a mistake in itself. Score one}. Here are a few cakes that I’ve made, for various parties.

 Bear in mind these were made by a nonprofessional cake novice. Tasting good was not a requirement, only did they add to the ambiance of the occasion?  Remember they all have their little side tilt and misapplied icing, but I love theme parties and cakes are a good way to pull together a theme.

 Now on to the post. This will be a series, I have just decided looking at the massive length already. These are thrown in the Obsessive entertainment style. By definition this involves never knowing when enough is enough,that’s my hallmark. I’ll show a couple today and save more for the series posts known as  Obsessive Entertaining, I style I love.


The first theme is cutesy or precious

Girls tea partyIMG_0066

I made little daisy wreaths for girls to wear

[ “You will wear this until I get pictures!” says one Mommie

to her cutesy child. It’s all about the kids.]

Table girls tea


OBSESSIVE, I MADE THE NAPKINS AND TABLE TOPPER. Please note the cute pink flower trim all along the bottom of the topper. This is an excellent example of the OBSESSIVE style, You never know when you are carrying your theme too-far. 

No one else will even notice, but you’ll know it is there.

Next theme, A Mary Engelbreit Tea Party

“The queen of everything and princess of quite a lot”

This is my interpretation of a Mary Engelbreit tea party

The kids will not know who Mary Englebreit is, but they will like the colors and tea pots. Many Mommies may recognize this adorable quaint style of Mary Englebreit. For the Obsessive hostess it offers a theme to rally around and center the entire party around. Finding as many ways possible to weave that theme in with every conceivable way possible is the point. The tinier the detail, the more satisfying for our hostess.

Mary tea party cakeMary Englebreit

 A few Obsessive touches. I made the place cards using paper dolls. The teapot cake was based on a Mary Engelbreit cake I thought was cute. I used a large ceramic baking casserole bowl to bake the cake in. Then I shaped as needed to look teapot- ish, with a large cake knife. Now with the “tea pot cake” body finished we will follow the same process for the lid.. The lid was baked in a smaller bowl and shaped with the cake knife. The spout, handle and lid tip were fashioned from fondant. I used a few toothpicks to stabilize them where they  attached to the teapot cake.

I made the table topper and napkins using fabric from a Mary Englebriet fabric line. You’ll notice the classic Obsessive Style, on closer inspection of the napkins, a strip of blue check fabric along the edges and blue rick rac .The napkin rings are from Mary Englebriet, tiny teapots. The cups along and luncheon plates were also from Mary Engelbreit.  

Mary  tea

Tea cookies