Older Posts- This and That

NEWS NEWS NEWS! I’m Excited But I Have News!

NEWS,NEWS, NEWS I have a few upcoming events. which I hope you’ll look for. It’s NEWS! One is about myself and the other is concerning Rachel Biel.  Read on to find out.

How about that new Janome?
How about that new Janome?

The first one is a real thrill for me. I was contacted by Janome, they are starting a new series on their page. It will be a series of  brief interviews with different quilters and fiber artists and so forth who run their own small businesses that involve quilting, fiber art and the like. These are woman who depend on Janome machines in their work. I’m one of the women being featured in this series,which will be  most likely sometime next week. I’ll post the date as soon as I get it and a link too if possible before hand. Please come and support me, besides this actually is a fun site to poke around in, lots to do, info, FAQs, forums, projects, tips, information about your machine, updates, lots more- and no it isn’t just a site with different models and features pictured. Oh, last but not least, there is a new series you don’t want to miss

TA DA of featured women! It’s no secret that I love my Janome 8900 QBC, if that comes as a surprise to you, well you haven’t been reading my blog, hummm. I love my machine and I am vocal about it, no one is offering me any incentives or twisting my arm, I just love it, and sound like a walking commercial I realize.

This second announcement is equally exciting,  keep on reading.

I am posting an upcoming interview with Rachel Biel. She is the woman behind TAFA, which you likely  are familiar with or should be if you are interested in fiber or textiles.Rachel is such a interesting person, she has been involved with fiber and textiles many years[I keep wanting to say fiber art here, she is a fiber artist in her own right] but TAFA involves much more. Rachel is one smart dynamo of a woman, I loved what she had to say, she’s honest, real and  a straight shooter. Her years of experience have given her insight and a lot of savvy which she is generous in sharing, You can’t help but admire her “go get it” attitude, isn’t afraid to  work hard, and do what it takes to achieve goals. What she has to say has value, it’s not fluff! You will enjoy this, she’s one interesting woman.

So that’s all my NEWS NEWS NEWS coming up really soon, look for these. I sure want to encourage you to check out my little feature and the interview with Rachel Biel is going to interest and engage you. I’ll post the

dates as soon as I can.



Had to throw this in somewhere, a couple of my quilts here.
Had to throw this in somewhere, my quilts are in there.
Put one of there up on your site, I'm going to if I can figure out how
Put one of these up on your site, I’m going to if I can figure out how and join!!!
Interviews 2 Older Posts-

Marion Barnett sent me one of her books, a great resource for fiber artists.

ZI’ve just recently received a book from the talented UK fiber artist Marion Marnett. It is about a product called  Lutradur .

It seems  relatively unknown here in the states, certainly seems to be used infrequently. In any case, I’ve not  heard about it, until reading  Marion’s Face Book page .]. She is enthusiastic and that enthusiasm is catchy.  Marion uses it extensively in much of her beautiful  work. The fact that she’s written a whole book about it, leads me to believe this is a great product. She has stirred my curiosity. I thought it might interest you as well.

Marion’s book’s is entitled ” Lovely Lutradur” by Marion Barnett & Dijanne Cevaal. In her book she explains what it is, its properties &  it’s application. She has included projects and a gallery, which give examples of what this product can add to your work.

If  you are already familiar with Lutradur  [hence providing me an example of the value of  thorough research, driving home this lesson,” to avoid embarrassment, check the facts thoroughly” ].  share your experience with us please.

I’m dying to try it in myself. I’ll update you on my results. In the meantime, check  out the interview I did with Marion back in November

From photo to art
From photo to art One of Marion’s pieces.
In Progress Older Posts- Starts & Finishes Uncategorized

Some progress on thread painting the floral quilt

Worked some more on the quilt in progress, thread painting the flowers. Not done, but it’s coming along. Here’s the progress since last post.   

so far so good


work in progress
I'm liking these Hollyhocks, wasn't sure about the color but it has grown on me.




That’s it for now. It;s always so strange to me when I make something and then look at it and say to myself; “Self I like this” . How does that happen? You draw a little bit, cut a bit, sew a bit and wowsers! Something pretty come out  of that. I’m always a little bit surprised by the process.   


Blog posts Nature Quilts Older Posts- This and That


I was asked to submit some of my art quilts in a textile art exhibt;  Second Skin Textile Art Exhibit. It is being held in New Hope, Pa at the New Hope Art Gallery Sept 11 – Oct 9th.

Here’s a copy of the flyer, with  my art  quilt pictured on the back!