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To iPhone or not to iPhone, do I jump into the fray?

The following week, when I heard a phone carrier sales guy say that they would be receiving a small shipment of iPhone 6eswas come in phones coming in on that very week. If you were in that line, you might be able to get one of those phones. Well I was going to get one of those phones! I immediately began to form a plan to ensure I got one. And by golly I was going be first in that line, make no mistake.

I flew out of bed when that alarm went off. Threw on some clothes, no coffee , no makeup or hair fixing, I don’t even know if I ran a comb through it , nothing. I just got in that csr and flew.The mob frenzy mentality had set in, and my “dignity”flew right out of the door. I was going to first in that line. I would need to be there at 4:30 AM, meaning getting up at about 3:45 A

When I heard that people were going to stand in line for hours, to be allowed to order one. Then they would be waiting a month or two to receive it. I had the attitude Oh I would never stoop to that level, wrong, wrong, wrong. I had far too much dignity for that sort of thing. But I did want that iPhone 6 plus, it had bigger print . screen and bigger keys. The keys on my old phone have a particular problem.Tex-ting was a nightmare. my fingers would hit 2 keys at once, unless I typed more or less with the side of my gigantic fingers. Does anyone else have this problem, besides me? I never knew what it was writing, and naturally I always bumped the send button too early,  those freakishly large fingers again. On re-reading whatever garbled, misspelled text I had just accidentally sent, I would be mortified. Well let’s just say you haven’t felt the true sting of embarrassment and humiliation until you have sent numerous texts like this til the person is sure to think, “She’s finally gone round the bend”. I manged to do this on a regular basis. The voice dictation was worse. So let’s face it, I NEEDED that phone. I never realized just how fat my fingers were before this. They look normal to me, but I suppose a phone that was made with the capacity for texting, would take into account the average size of those using their phone and build them accordingly.

The following week, I heard from a phone carrier sales guy that a small amount of the phones were trickling in and  they had a very small shipment of phones coming in on that very Friday. He mentioned that if you were in that line, you might be ablxe to get one of those phones. I immediately began making plans to get one of those phones. The mob frenzy mentality had set in, and my imagined “dignity”flew right out of  the door. I wasn’t going to just be in that line. I was going to be the first in that line.

I would need to be there at 4:30 AM, meaning getting up at about 3:45 AM. I flew out of bed when that alarm went off. Threw on some clothes, no coffee-gasp, not a drop of makeup, bedhead hair, don’t know if I even ran a comb through it, I must have surley. I just got in that car and flew. I arrived about  4:30 AM, and what did I find? Some other old geezer like myself, this guy had been there since 3:30. Just us two for an hour or so, when one or two started slowly trickling in. Yes, I was one of the crazies who braved the cold, the dark, the lack of sleep, stood in line for hours without coffee, a stitch of makeup and bed head hair, all to purchase one.

Having sunk to this level, no one  was going to get  in my way. ‘Let’s Rumble, I ‘ll fight anyone of you guys if you try to horn in on my iPhone plus. I’ll take ya, I can do it. I’m a black belt, so back off”. I’m second, in line, got here at 4:30.The man in front of the line was here at 3:30am.. He’s vacillating, “Do I want the 6 or the 6 plus?” He says. I start to size him up, he’s an older guy, looks a little weak, I can take him for sure.

That phone is mine!. Fortunately, I didn’t have to whoop on any interlopers, I got the phone, with one little catch, it’s only a 16 GB, not the 64GB or the 128GB. Too little gigs. So a few days later I ended up returning it and ordering the 64 gb. So like everyone else, I’m waiting for my iPhone 6 plus to come in.

By Barbara Harms Fiber Art

About Myself & My Approach
Art has always played a role in my life, in one form or another. by my teens I had narrowed my focus to painting. I decided I was going to become a serious painter. I joined the Las Vegas Artist's Guild at 15, the youngest member at that time. I was completely out of place, I tried to go unnoticed, a mute fly on the wall, with a big smile pasted on my face.
I've continued to paint most of my life.
After a move to Oregon years later, I was introduced to quilting and fell in love.
I was introduced to quilting & fell in love.
In time I missed the creative freedom painting made possible.

Then I discovered mixed media fiber art, I was home.

It's the creative process that holds the greatest attraction for me. Starting with a tiny seed of an idea; vague and blurred around the edges, I follow where that leads. There are often many changes and adjustments along the way. The result can often be surprizing.

My approach is an instinctual one. Generally, I do little pre-planning. I make creative decisions, choices, directions as they present themselves.
This approach can lead to quite a few changes in the direction.
I love that element of surprize!

Sometimes I have one that I especially like, I can't wait to show someone.
At that moment l feel like a six year old, running home from school, a drawing in hand, excited to show Mom. At those times. I'm smiling like the Cheshire cat.

I’ve had some of my work published in several magazines. which is exciting. But the most gratifying thing is having clients be really happy with their purchased art quilt.

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