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Time Lapse Art Quilt Begins

An editor stops by my empty Etsy shop. I’m mortified she sees it in such an empty state. Must make quilts, make quilts-no Facebook for you Barbara! Here’s one I’ve just started, if you want to follow it from beginning to end. So why not make a game of it? Time me, let’s see how long it takes me to make a quilt. Start date – January 19th.  Gotta go, must make quilts.

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One More Try

As I mentioned in my earlier post, I am disturbed by the dismal photographic results of my quilt, my  Rain Forest Canopy. It turned out so well. It was pretty. I was pleased at the results, that is until I saw the photos. How could an attractive quilt look so unattractive in photos of it? I’m frustrated because it

is a cool quilt, interesting, great colors  pretty, such dazzling glittery threads. but you sure  can’t tell from the photos. I have taken a few more photos and done a few tweaks. It hasI thought this one was a cool looking quilt, [ No false modesty here, ha,]  but if i don’t like the quilts I am making, why would I expect anyone else to? If I can’t offer work that I’m proud of, why bother at all?

If I sound like I’m patting myself on the back a wee bit too much, sorry, I can think of no other way to convey the difference between the actual quilt and the  picture of the quilt. I made a list

I’ll describe what I think are it’s best points, that photos don’t show very well. 

Here’s my list:

#1-The color, love those blues and orange reds together, a classic great combo.  

#2-The design. The design is obviously an abstract,. I realize that abstracts aren’t everyone’s cup of

tea, but I love them. I think it turned out to be a cool abstract.

#3- I love the threads I used, for my abstract quilting, The way they made my  quilting pop. they are some of the best I’ve found, what a difference good thread makes.These show with a rich, saturated appearance.

There is a lot more I would like to say here about thread, but my posts are already to long. So I’ll save that

for another post in a few days, come back then, if you’e like some thread insight from a fiber

artist, I’ve used many different threads, kinds and brands, I’ve have found my favorites and will share that, as well as why I personally feel that way.

So check back in a few days. 


Rain Forest Canopy

Rain Forest

Rain Foreat Canapy

Rain Forest Canaoy

Rain Forest quilt center

Rain Forest Canopy

Rain Forest Canap


Rain Forest Canopy

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On being photogenic and other things. Is this what I really look like?

I’ve been a busy little bee working on the two garden quilts mentioned in an earlier post. My main

focus at this point has been to finish the first one and save the other crazy wild garden for last. It

promises to be fun. The thread painting  on this first garden has taken quite a while, there is so much

detail I’ve logged in a lot of hours already, but I’m liking the way it’s going so far.I

have completed a lot of that, the end is in sight. Just a few more details to wrap up, Oh,there’s the sky

to do, I forgot. That’s more than a little detail I suppose. Well anywho, then I  can get down to quilting

it. So here’s a few updated photos. It’s starting to take shape.

Blue and Orange garden

The color is off, but you get an idea of where I’m going. The stalks haven’t not been added yet,

leaving several flowers sort of hanging in the air, but they will have stocks soon, give em an anchor to

the ground.

flower detail

This is a closer look at some not finished peach flowers on the bottom right and left sides. The color

looks horrendous in this photo, it is really quite pretty in person, but that’s the thing with photos. I’ve

had several absolutely gorgeous quilts that were not photogenic. They looked so different in photos

than in person.

One recent example is a new quilt I just listed on Etsy,” Rain Forest Canopy”. It’s an abstract.

After I had finished the fabric painting and it had dried, I could take a look at it closely, the-big 

unveiling, it exceeded my expectations, it came out super good. There is always an element of surprise

with fabric painting. At a certain point in the process you lose some control and it effects the

outcome, you can surprise yourself. Sometimes there are pieces that turn out especially good, they

exceed your expectationsthis was one of those. I loved it!

When you have those special ones come out, you don’t want to squander this art fabric.

You want to use it in the best possible way that highlights it. If you plan applique,  you have to be

careful that you don’t cover too much of the design, it can’t shine through. The way you quilt it too,

you don’t want to quilt in a way that clashes with it or obscures what makes it special. 

So I gave this a lot of thought, long before I ever began to make an art quilt with it. When I had

finished the quilt, I was really happy with the result. I thought the quilting and design fit it. It works

with the fabric rather than against. And the abstract quilting? Just the coolest ever. I did my

abstract thread painting, using thread that has deep rich colors and metal threads add shimmer.

Great, I’m all happy woo who! This is a really good one. Then I took the photos of it. It looked flat, you

couldn’t sense how cool it was from any of the photos.The fabric colors which I loved, don’t show well.

Sometimes quilts just don’t photograph well. Me either, take 100 photos, you won’t get a good one I

guarantee.I’ve had maybe 5 photos taken in my entire life that came out decent.

I’m beginning to wonder is this what I really look like?

 I just recycle the few decent ones. So if you see a photo of a cute 4 year ol

on my avatar that’s me!It’s One of the few. BTW My current avatar is a few years old 5 maybe, it’s not

from 30 years ago.

My husband needed a photo avatar for my phone number on his phone. He took 3 or 4, awful. I’m

thinking I don’t want his work mates to see that,”well that’s some ugly wife ya got there”. No way,

He’s going to have a decent pic of his wife in his phone. I took the phone, reversed the camera for self

shoot. I tried about 30 photos, I’m not exaggerating not a one. Not photogenic.

peach flower


Peach flower

orange and blue

orange and blueNo pictures thanks…


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Polar Opposites. How Does Your Garden Go?



2 garden quilts


I’ve started two new garden quilts. They may both have garden themes, but they are polar

opposites. The first quilt, with the black background is the crazy funky. I made no attempt to

achieve any look of realism . When I get to the point of working on finishing the applique and

thread work, I plan on using the most outrageous screaming color, as I can find, with fun

quilting motifs. It’s loud, it’s bold, with lots of bright color. It might appeal to more modern


Funky Flowers




 Orange  Blue Field


My second garden may have more appeal to those whose tastes run to soft florals., a bit of

romance. Like the first quilt, it does have deep rich color. Orange and blue make such a great

color combo. Although there is deep color, this has a softer look, it’s stylized nature. It

has blue and orange flowers with a few peachy pink ones thrown in for contrast. This is heavily

thread painted [ Remember, when I arrived at my retreat, I had already started working on this,

then at the retreat we worked all the days and most of the night? I still haven’t finished. I used


metallic blue thread to create highlights., it adds special touch..

So here is a preview of these 2 unfinished garden art quilts. See what you think.

I think you will can get an inkling of the direction I am heading with each one.

So hear we go…



Orange and Blue Field

Orange and Blue Field
A closer detail






Orange and Blue Field



Neon Garden

FFunky Gardendetail unfinished

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Can you say garden? How about Trending?

I’m on a garden art quilt rampage. I think I may be doing what is called “trending”, but on a personal level. Honestly, I’m not entirely convinced,I have it right, there are so many phrases that go right over my head. For example, hash tags? What on earth are they? N0 clue. When confronted with these high tech”children” [ almost children, they seem to come out of the womb fully skilled with these abilities. Are there now small computers in there with them? ] . I am sure that I stand out, there is no way to fake it, they know.There  I am stand, like a fish out of water, mumbling, trying to sound as if I understand the conversation, but they know these smart knowledgeable youth, and I confuse them with my ignorance, especially the phone “support” guys that I am constantly on the phone with, This is “support?”{some support, they talk over my head, in Martian as far as I know.I hear their long sighs as I ask, “start button? What’s that? or Settings?  I don’t know where that is” “What on earth?  is this woman from Mars?” Well of course not, if I was, I would  understand what you are saying.

 Well I’ll let those gall dern high fluting younguns try to figure out  what I’m saying for a change. The only problem with this approach is, frankly, I don’t think they’d even care. One would say to the other one,”What’s all those  funny noises coming out of that crazy lady’s mouth?” The other “dude”[ notice I got that one right! I watch American Idol and Randy Jackson applies dude to girls as well as guys. So Boom, take that! “].In any case the other dude would say, “Man, I don’t know.. But who cares anyway?”. In fact  I’m doubtful they even notice I am standing there.

OK, back to hash tags, I am interested to know what they are. That phrase is used a lot, and there I am with a blank look on my face,” hum., I  think it’s likely that  drool is dripping out of the corner of my mouth, like the village idiot or something. Please all the village idiots like myself, don’t take offense, I am drooling after all and what does that indicate? I sure I don’t need to explain that.

I’m working hard to solve the mystery of the ” hash tags”myself. I can’t just come out and ask someone. That would show how uncool I really am [ like I’m fooling anyone.ha ha.]

My plan is a more covert approach. Listen to conversations, quietly &  unobserved. My ability to blend into walls becoming invisible to all those techno smarty pants, will prove to be a  helpful skill. If I gather enough information,   I’ll figure it out.

One thing I’ve noticed, many of these phrases are  phone related, especially connected to texting. Or even worse they are linked to my arch nemesis, computers. I dare not even dwell on that subject because they’ll hear and start another round of endless and unsolvable problems.

So I will wind this down, including the link to the new listing on Etsy,  just in case  you too, may have been trending on garden art quilts lately. The area below has lots of pictures and detailed views. I wish that the pearlized paints I mixed , glitter and sparkle showed up better in the photos, but alas it doesn’t,  but take my word it is pretty. Don’t worry I exercised restraint so that they are added  tastefully and don’t overpower.

IFeverFew Big Sky Blue FlowersIMG_0044

Pink sparkle flowersMG_0116

Delicate pink and white flowersIMG_0052


Delicate pink and white flowersIMG_0052


Feverview and blue flowersIMG_0100

FeverfewBlue Flowers Big Sky

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Cherry Blossoms, It’s Raining Pink!

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Cherry Blossoms time, the theme of my new art quilt


I love cherry trees, it’s breath taking to see each new tree as it is in full bloom. I love the romance of the pink “snow” which covers the ground after the blossoms fall. I love that glorious spectacle that occurs every year. The fact that it lasts  for only a brief  time, makes the experience even sweeter.

In a earlier post I mentioned a charming Japanese tradition which celebrating  the beauty of their blooming cherry trees. I am enchanted by this wonderful Japanese tradition, that occurs every year. As the cherry trees begin their  bloom season the celebration of that beauty begins,

There are many varieties of  cherry trees, each one has it’s own bloom cycle, some early, some  mid season or others bloom late.  As one variety of  tree  begins  it’s bloom cycle,  another variety is  just  finishing it’s. The blooming season is extended with the staggered bloom times.

I have no idea of the history behind what follows, perhaps it is simply a way to appreciate the beautiful display. Families picnic  under the trees which are  currently blooming. When the next  round of blooming begins, they follow and have another picnic beneath the blossoms, and on this will continue til the blooming has finished.

You may wonder how do people know which trees are currently in bloom? Bloom updates report the currently blooming trees and their locations, in much the same way as ski reports are  broadcast here in the states. Which ski locations have fresh snow, ” Vale Colorado has fresh snow with a depth of …” .. As the updated  blooming reports are made a flurry of people travel from one location to the next follow, taking in all the beauty.

I think this story illustrates the excitement and awe we feel as we observe  this wonderful spectacle. I decided to make the theme of my new art quilt one tree in bloom. Looking up the old  gnarly trunk of a old cherry tree to see a pink cloud of blossoms spilling out  over the branches.  It is a  striking contrast.

I’ve made a start on it. My quilt is on a long hand painted panel, which is  about 50″ by 19. I’ve fused on many cherry blossoms and am in the process of appliqueing them on. Then the thread painting will add detail, the bark on the tree and so forth.

Here are a few photos of this early stage, I’ll try to give you updates of the progress.


full length
full length


cherry blossom quilt applique

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Progress of an custom art quilt part 2

As I mentioned I am including updates on the jelly fish art quilt I’m making, here I’ve appliqued a lot of the ocean floor and jellies. Thread painting will pring it all to life. These are very basic shapes to build on.


From these  to these most recent ones as of today:

thread painting started

If You’d like to follow the progress on the quilt. here is the link to post #1

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Whoa Nelly and Alphonse Mucha

I must apologize for an attempt last night [a really, really late night attempt] to post these two quilts. Somehow I posted a rejected draft, which was jumbled, incoherent, misspelled and unintelligible. To answer your obvious question, No, I had not been drinking heavily at the time nor was I having a psychotic break with reality. Sorry and embarrassed, I deleted the mess. Yet as we all know, once anything is published on the internet, it will linger on forever.

I freely confess that I am a terrible speller, as you might have noticed, although I cannot understand why spell check allows me to run a muck like this. I admit that I often ramble on violating the entire point of blogging. I regress, repeat and occasionally leave out key words. Editing is a skill I do not possess. I will reread a post multiple times before posting, searching, yet missing the mistakes. I assume the reason for these editing failures is that my mind corrects any mistakes it encounters without my being aware of it, so I do not see them.

Strangely, the very instant I hit the publish button, they all magically appear. There are many reasons why I should be stripped of my blogging privileges and banned from ever writing anything publicly again. But the mishap on my last post was an all time low, even for me.

I will now re-attempt to post these quilts in an understandable and coherent manner.   

 Here are the last two quilts of what I have dubbed my “stressed out series” of three. One is an art deco bed set with Alphonse Mucha‘s art thrown in the mix. The last quilt is a neon bright geometric art quilt. I used commercial fabrics in this one, not my usual hand painted silk. I simply couldn’t help myself, these fabrics were calling me, or maybe more accurately screaming to me and could not be ignored. The art quilting is playful, it matches the wonky piecing & outrageous” Whoa Nelly” bright colors.


Art Deco & MUCHA524712894241878_2121391223_o

Mucha copy472833_524892274223940_1525041877_o

I used the ink jet printable fabric sheets for the first time, great results. I brightened her colors up with a little fabric paint, including metallic gold.
How to quilt this really busy fabric? My solution, crazy wild quilting.
How to quilt this really busy fabric? My solution, crazy wild quilting.

Quilt # 3-  I was not exaggerating about the bright colors, was I?

A bright art quilt in neon colors

eon City Lights

City Lights

964124_534497389930095_593472590_o 980449_534496026596898_516805286_o

As I conclude this post, I must say that this post seems to have an imbalance. It is a top heavy mixture of too many photos with too little words, The Google bot does not that I have read somewhere.I often post too many photos, I forget that not everyone has my same fascination with all the details.I’m afraid I have run out of words to say, sorry little Google bot, these are all the words that I can muster. I hope that my last garbled post will dissappear, replaced with this one, but that’s unlikely I suppose.

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Two Down, One Scraped? Who Rah!!

A Stroll in the English Countryside
A Stroll in the English Countryside

In a recent post I bemoaned the stress I had created for myself, starting three quilts around the same time. I usually don’t  jump back and forth between several  projects. It’s easy to get into that frame of mind, there is so much beautiful fabric available, it’s hard to control the urge to start a new project with every new wonderful fabric you see or buy. It reminds me of a 2 year old running from one toy to the next until he has emptied his whole  toy box. I always feel that I’m 4 or 5 projects behind.

The point I’m rather  slow in making is this, it is a great feeling to finish one and start your next. I it is it is a sense of satisfaction to have completed really good feeling to finish one and move to the next. I’m feeling a little cocky and relieved too, I finished two of them.  Woo Rah!!

At this point I  had  just about decided to scrap the 3rd, I just wasn’t  feeling it, at a creative stand off.  Glad  I kept going, cause I got over the hump and find that now I like it.  Np pictures yet I’m quilting it. I did use commercial fabrics on it, maybe I’m a bit prejudiced about that .

So I’ll post pics of the first one and next two in my following my post.

 Hand painted silk art quilt with thread painting/
Hand painted silk art quilt with thread painting/
The flowers of an English cottage garden
The flowers of an English cottage garden

A Stroll In the English Countryside