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I Had A Little Idea


When making these art quilts, I had an idea,”Why not make several different framed art quilts, each one unique, yet designed to be hung together as a grouping?”. Sold together as a group, it would make an attractive display on the wall. 

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It’s Blue and Pink and Finshed!!!

Blue and Pink A cherry blossom art quilt, it is a big size and all those cherry blossoms took a long  Time to make. I took the inspiration photos last spring and I have finally finished my art quilt. That’s a while.

I’ve had a few progress reports along the way, so I’m  sure that you have seen this quilt already.

Here’s my video of the finished art quilt.

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Blue and Pink

On a walk the other day, I passed under a group of cherry trees. I looked up. What I saw was a very blue sky that was filled with delicate pink blossoms. It made such a pretty sight, it needed to be photographed

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You’re Never Without a Camera

  1.  On my walk one day last month looking up I saw delicate pink blossoms with sky blue behind them. Glorious cherry blossom time! Thanks to my smart phone I could snap off a few pictures. It is so easy to do with the smart phones most everyone carry.
  2. Another perk of always having a camera with you? Think of all the opportunities for selfies, we take them ever where we go. How fortunate we can chronicle every moment of our lives!
  3. I’m sure we have all found it convienentt.Thanks to my Smart phone I took a few pictures,  I started a new art quilt. Here are a few photos.
The silk painted and ready tours.

1-I’ve finished painting all the silk, Some pink that I’ll use to make the blossoms. I eventually made zillions of blossoms ( a wee exaggeration [but it felt like a zillion). Also the blue sky and limb colors  I was ready. Let the appliqueing begin.  like  like

2-At this point I’ve finished appliqueing everything onto the background and have begun thread painting.

Here are photos of progress

It’s coming along..

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The Finished Quilt, in it’s new home, Australia

Here’s the royal poinciana

“Here’s The Finished Quilt”

Now that this art quilt is completed, I’m going to share a few more photos of it, in it’s final form. Many of the elements in this quilt will look familiar, because I’ve been posting photos all along, showing it’s progress as I’ve worked on it.

In Progress Nature Quilts Recent Posts Silk Paintings Stylized Flowers Art Quilts

The Finish Line in Sight

It’s been months of work on this large new commissioned quilt and I am just about finished. I’ve gotten a lot done since my last post about it and will show you a few of the most recent pictures and my next post I show you the finished quilt.

It’s around 50″ wide. The fabric was painted, then appliqué was done, covering almost the entire quilt top. Finally the extensive thread painting  was completed. I’ve nearly finished the quilting. Almost at the finish line and leaving for Australia to rest in it’s new home, the office of the psychologist who commissioned the piece.

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I Never Knew, So Many Wonderful Things Waiting To Be Discovered

If you’ve noticed I haven’t been around much, lately. I’ve been keeping mighty busy working on a new commission from an Australian psychologist. To

She has given me a very interesting project. My client wants a large art quilt with a beautiful Australian tree called a royal poinciana as the subject.

 I’d never heard of it, so the search began.What I found was a gorgeous tree! When in full bloom it is covered with masses of bright orange/red blossoms. The flowers are so pretty!

This tree has some interesting characteristics, of course the first being those fantastic flowers. It has long twisting limbs, curving  in many directions. Those limbs can form unusual shaped trees. Then there are the leaves, which look like fern fronds.

The next step was drawing some practice sketches to get a feel for the tree


I decided that I wanted to place the focus on those beautiful flowers. When the tree is  blooming, great bunches of these red/orange flowers cover the tree. I have a few branches hanging down from the right side. This tree is just beginning to bloom.

At this point in working on this art quilt, it doesn’t look like much….yet. Often created work when seem mid way, will look much different completed

.I’ve made a lot of progress on it more than I’ve shown here.

If you’re interested I’m going to post a few progress photos as it moves along.

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September 5, 2016Leave a replyEdit

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I’m Barbara Harms a quilt artist. My blog is presented in a casual style. It follows my work, and latest projects, contains interviews with some of the most talented people in the quilting world. I hope you find it a bit entertaining as well.


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My method I use many traditional quilting techniques in a non traditional application. Some of the techniques are used as a design element rather than a practical step in the quilt making process. I hand paint my fabric, often choosing silk It has a luminous quality which seems to reflect light and rich color beautifully. All my work is original. I love the process, starting with a seed of an idea and seeing where that leads. The results can be surprising, at times. I love that unpredictable element. I feel that challenging yourself on occasion prevents your work from become static. I choose projects which I personally find excite interest or challenge me. I feel my enthusiasm can be sensed by the viewer and I think that is what attracts those who enjoy my work

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If you’ve noticed I haven’t been around as much, you are correct, I haven’t. I’ve been keeping mighty busy working on a new commission from a Australian psychologist. She has given me a very interesting project. My client wants a large art quilt with a beautiful Australian tree called a royal poinciana as the subject. I never knew that it existed, so the search began. What I found was a gorgeous tree! Google it and look at the images for yourself, a real show stopper. When in full bloom it is covered with masses of bright orange/red blossoms. I think it’s most outstanding feature is those wonderful flowers. I looked at a lot of images on the web, trying to get a feel for it. How does it look? What about it’s silhouette, growth pattern, bark and especially those beautiful flowers? The next step, I began the practice drawings, lots of them.


Decorating Tips From The Pros-#1

Marilyn and the King, “A huh huh huh, thank you very much. Thank you very much”

Decorate Smart Not ‘Spensive-Decorating On A Dime

I like all this stuff I’m not Oprah, there are no samples under your seat BUT BELIEVE ME This is really good STUFF.

I Had An Idea

I’m Barb and I’m a fabric hoarder.

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Recent Posts: Fiber Art Quilts & Silk Paintings by Barbara Harms Fiber Art

If you’ve noticed I haven’t been around as much, you are correct, I haven’t. I’ve been keeping mighty busy working on a new commission from a Australian psychologist. She has given me a very interesting project. My client wants a large art quilt with a beautiful Australian tree called a royal poinciana as the subject. I never knew that it existed, so the search began. What I found was a gorgeous tree! Google it and look at the images for yourself, a real show stopper. When in full bloom it is covered with masses of bright orange/red blossoms. I think it’s most outstanding feature is those wonderful flowers. I looked at a lot of images on the web, trying to get a feel for it. How does it look? What about it’s silhouette, growth pattern, bark and especially those beautiful flowers? The next step, I began the practice drawings, lots of them.

If you’ve noticed I haven’t been around as much, you are correct, I haven’t. I’ve been keeping mighty busy working on a new commission from a Australian psychologist. She has given me a very interesting project. My client wants a large art quilt with a beautiful Australian tree called a royal poinciana as the subject. I never knew that it existed, so the search began. What I found was a gorgeous tree! Google it and look at the images for yourself, a real show stopper. When in full bloom it is covered with masses of bright orange/red blossoms. I think it’s most outstanding feature is those wonderful flowers. I looked at a lot of images on the web, trying to get a feel for it. How does it look? What about it’s silhouette, growth pattern, bark and especially those beautiful flowers? The next step, I began the practice drawings, lots of them.


Decorating Tips From The Pros-#1

Marilyn and the King, “A huh huh huh, thank you very much. Thank you very much”

Marilyn and the King, “A huh huh huh, thank you very much. Thank you very much”

Decorate Smart Not ‘Spensive-Decorating On A Dime

Decorate Smart Not ‘Spensive-Decorating On A Dime

I like all this stuff I’m not Oprah, there are no samples under your seat BUT BELIEVE ME This is really good STUFF.

I like all this stuff I’m not Oprah, there are no samples under your seat BUT BELIEVE ME This is really good STUFF.

I Had An Idea

I Had An Idea

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Update, Whew. I’ve Been Keeping Busy

I’ve been working fast and furious

I’ve been focusing on several quilts. As I’m wrapping up the Stained Glass Window quilt, it occurred to me that I may not have posted photos of  the other quilts I’d finished.They are both painted silk with thread painting.Here are a few photos. Both quilts are available on my website.

They are both painted silk with thread  painted,

Pink Blossoms Blue Sky

art quilt
Detailed view of the thread painting on Pink Blossoms Blue Sky

Pink Against Blue a fiber art quilt

Details of dogwood thread painting

The Red Egret art quilt 

              Here’s the other art quilt I’ve finished, the Red Egret, I began this art quilt with silk painting the                                   background. While doing that I roughly blocked in the color areas where the features of the design would later be placed. The egret was created almost exclusively with thread painting,
A pictue of the art quilt Red Egret in it’s entirity

The paints I mixed for the water I added a sprinkle of glitter to create the glints of  that are reflected off the glassy surface of the water. light makes when reflected

Red Egret fiber art quilt by Barbara Harms

               A detailed look at the thread painting that created the feathers.
Red Egret Fiber Art Barbara Harms

So there they are, a couple of the quilts I’ve finished. Next post I’ll show you the 3rd, a stained glass window quilt..  commission

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Photo Editing Programs- New Tool For Designing Art Quilts?


This is the photo I used as a basis for the currently unfinished art quilt


If you visit my blog very often, you might have noticed that I haven’t posted as frequently as I usually do. I’ve had a few things going on, so I’ll try to catch you up in the next few posts on anything that might be interesting.
My Etsy shop is looking a little depleted lately. My last sale was four quilts that will be going into Oregon’s new state hospital, I felt pretty proud to be included  in the art choices for it  So that’s a nice thing to share.
My Etsy shop is looking a little depleted lately. So what that means is I need to get busy and make quilts! That is just what I’m doing, making quilts and loving it.
I’m currently experimenting with what may prove to be a useful tool to generate a little creative inspirations.
I’ve been playing around with Photoshop using some of the special effects edits and have had a few results that I liked enough to put into my future projects folder. One that looked like an old photo negative. The colors-seem reversed. It looked like good art quilt material. So I tried it out, made one. I thought the result was interesting, I’m going to try a few-others.

BarbaraHarmsFiberArtDogwood abstract#2

Impressions Of Spring

Above Top-Here’s the art quilt, it isn’t capturing the photo effect.I found it hard to duplicate the thousands of tiny drops of colored ink that made up the photo.

Reminds me of Neo-Impressionist Seurat lots and lots of colored dots make up the picture. In this photo edited dogwoods, printed with zillions of tiny drops of-colored ink.  I’m intrigued with the idea, easy to do with paint, but thread?

Here’s another which gives a clearer view of the tiny drops of colored ink that create the image. I’m thinking about this idea, how to achieve this effect on an art quilt.


 Reminds me of Noe-Impressionist Seurat lots and lots of colored dots
Notice how many different tiny drops of color here?
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Do You Dream In Color?

2BarbaraHarmsFiberArtDo You DreamInColor014-10-12 001

I’ve been working on this art quilt off and on for quite a while. I vacillate between ” This is too insanely wild”  and “Oh I’m just having a little fun”. I ask myself “If I ever finished it, would I have the nerve to put it in my shop?” I haven’t got a clue, but in the meantime, I still just having fun.


2014-10-12 004