Nature Gallery Nature Quilts Older Posts- Silk Paintings

Asian Hand Painted Art Quilt Heron under the moon

This is the 4th in a series of Asian Fusion art quilts. I hand painted the silk used in this piece.

I appliqued the heron and other elements on.  Each feather in the heron was appliqued & the result was worth the extra effort. It has an Asian feel but is modern as well. I feel it would look stunning in a modern decor.

Heron Under the Moon

The size is 42 X 18″.


close up of the feathers
Nature Gallery Nature Quilts Older Posts- Stylized Floral Gallery Stylized Flowers Art Quilts Uncategorized

Original art quilt hand painted silk “Under the cherry Tree”

A new collection of Asian Fusion art quilts. Hand painted silk with hand painted elements appliquéd on.

SOLD Under the Cherry tree
My little appliquéd bird

Nature Gallery Nature Quilts Older Posts- Stylized Floral Gallery Uncategorized

Silk painted art quilt, Everything Under the Sun

Just posting my latest silk painted art quilt.

I love the way silk seems to reflect the color, and I’m all about color, if you haven’t guessed! This is an original hand painted silk art quilt. I hand painted the background fabric and the individual elements. Then I appliquéd them on. The thread painting and quilting add to the design and detail.

Everything Under the Sun

Quilting the sun

I published the whole album on facebook, if you’re interested in seeing more, asianartandquilts.

Blog posts In Progress Nature Quilts Older Posts- Tutorials

Messy Kitchen produces something pretty good and I don’t mean food!

If you recall a few posts back I had a huge mess in my kitchen hand painting some silk fabric. Here in Oregon it rains a lot so I have limited choices for a paint studio. My little make shift studio tent out side is no longer workable because the downpours have commenced. So to my husband’s dismay the kitchen is my new painting area. You could see the fabric I was painting in that post.

I had a plan for that fabric and now that it’s finished it was worth the bother.  I did a little trapunto,  I mentioned I hand painted the silk fabric, then on separate pieces of silk painted some bird,s added fusible and appliquéd them down and finished the raw edges off.Used trapunto on a few areas and thread painted in the details and texture on the branches, leaves and birds. Viola! It’s finished. Here’s a few picture s and there’s more in the gallery.

Abstract and Geometric quilts Blog posts In Progress Nature Gallery Nature Quilts Older Posts- Silk Paintings Stylized Flowers Art Quilts Uncategorized What's new?

TWO PEONIES , POPPIES and a FOXGLOVE a botanical art quilt

TWO  PEONIES , POPPIES and a FOXGLOVE a botanical art quilt

I used applique to attach the flowers, which were thread painted to add body and detail.

Here’s the finished art quilt. I quilted it with MonoPoly clear thread because I wanted the texture but not added competing color.


Archeives Blog posts Galleries In Progress Nature Gallery Nature Quilts New quilts Older Posts- Silk Paintings What's new?

Art quilt “Jelly Fish Love” is finished. What a fun custom order.

When I got the request for this custom order for 2 jelly fish featured in an art quilt, I would never have thought of doing a wall hanging with this theme. But the more I thought about the request, the more excited I got about the idea.

I did some sketches, after looking at a lot of photos of jelly fish. My biggest obstacle was how do you capture the fluidity? How do you take fabric and try to make it almost translucent looking, and jellys almost look  lit from within, how do you do that with fabric?

Blog posts Nature Quilts Older Posts- This and That


I was asked to submit some of my art quilts in a textile art exhibt;  Second Skin Textile Art Exhibit. It is being held in New Hope, Pa at the New Hope Art Gallery Sept 11 – Oct 9th.

Here’s a copy of the flyer, with  my art  quilt pictured on the back!

Archeives Blog posts In Progress Nature Quilts New quilts Older Posts-

Progress on the art quilt-jellyfish in love

As I promised, I’m updating my progress on the jelly fish art quilt I’m making for a custom order on my etsy site; { take a peak}.

fusing done, thread painting started

Some detail done a lot more to do. This is the fun part.

the fabric is rock candy blank fabrics I think, gold and copper metallic highlights.

Today this is what I’ve done, real progress on the thread painting, this is the fun stuff.

more fill in details

Sad blurry little  picture, and me claiming to be a somewhat good pphotographer, my ego has no bounds apparently.

Here’s another:

I like the staghorm coral, but siome of the limbs could be bigger, waht do you think? Tell me your thoughts.

The jelly I may have just over done it with the details, do you think?

Less is more, I may be ripping out threads if this doesn’t start growing on me.

less detail on this one, better yes?

I have one more pic, a darling humming bird outside my kitchen window.

Is this an Annis? Any experts out there?