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Blue and Pink

On a walk the other day, I passed under a group of cherry trees. I looked up. What I saw was a very blue sky that was filled with delicate pink blossoms. It made such a pretty sight, it needed to be photographed

Blog posts Inspire! stylized nature

Think Art, See Art, It Surrounds Us.

Don’t you agree that one of the things which have a great effect on our lives is, what we think, our attitudes & what we believe to be true?

When we are convinced something is true, it colors our perception. If what we happen to believe is  wrong, the conclusions we draw could be wrong.

Blog posts In Progress Nature Quilts Stylized Flowers Art Quilts stylized nature

You’re Never Without a Camera

  1.  On my walk one day last month looking up I saw delicate pink blossoms with sky blue behind them. Glorious cherry blossom time! Thanks to my smart phone I could snap off a few pictures. It is so easy to do with the smart phones most everyone carry.
  2. Another perk of always having a camera with you? Think of all the opportunities for selfies, we take them ever where we go. How fortunate we can chronicle every moment of our lives!
  3. I’m sure we have all found it convienentt.Thanks to my Smart phone I took a few pictures,  I started a new art quilt. Here are a few photos.
The silk painted and ready tours.

1-I’ve finished painting all the silk, Some pink that I’ll use to make the blossoms. I eventually made zillions of blossoms ( a wee exaggeration [but it felt like a zillion). Also the blue sky and limb colors  I was ready. Let the appliqueing begin.  like  like

2-At this point I’ve finished appliqueing everything onto the background and have begun thread painting.

Here are photos of progress

It’s coming along..

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Art available for sale. A sample of avilable work can be purchased on my Etsy shop, I have additional work shown there. Here is a link that takes you there.




My other art quilt top, very red flowers
Impression of a Garden Barbara Harms

One of my quilts is at lower right
Beautiful magazine ? filled with meaty information


A beautiful magazine filled with with insigtful
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Art Quilting Studio magazine, look for my quilt.

One of my art quilts appears in Art Quilting Studio’s summer issue. It was released June 1st. I am appreciative and excited to be included. Art Quilting Studio magazine is visually stunning, containing beautiful photos of the quilts, often including closer views of the  details.The content is informative, the kind of information that would be of particular interest to other quilt artists.

Cover of the summer issue 2017                                             Cover of summer issue 2017

The artists selected for inculcation are encouraged to share information about the construction of their quilt. They often include  the techniques, materials and brands that they used, the kind of information that would be of particular interest to other quilt artists.

Red Egret-late afternoon

Red Egret

As the sun sinks lower in the sky, its rays shimmer as they are reflected off the water. At the water’s edge stands a red Egret. 

I used silk as a backdrop for the initial painting. then thread painted the picture itself. I am especially proud of my egret. It’s plumage contains layers upon layers of different threads to create the depth of color.

2015-06-14 red egret stained glass window wmmn 040
A detailed view of the depth of color in the plumage. Original fiber art  by Barbara Harms
















Blog posts Inspire! New quilts Photography a Door To Ceativity

Do you ever wonder where artists find inspiration?

With fiber art quilts, as with any other art form, many wonder “Where does the artist get his inspiration?” What I find photographs can serve as a helpful tool in that regard. When I take one that I think would make a good fiber art wall hanging, I store it away in my inspiration box so to speak. I like to savor it, imaging what kind of an art quilt could be created from it.

Blog posts Inspire! Just Fun Recent Posts This & Thàt

We went somewhere, in a toy plane!                      



We recently took a trip to see family.


We set out in a very tiny plane.

Do most people actually fit into this narrow isle?


Planes have gotten a lot smaller these days. We were in no position to complain, we had found a budget flight, we didn’t expect to be seated in first class, still we

Blog posts Inspire! Nature Quilts New quilts Recent Posts stylized nature

 Banish Winter Doldrums, Bring Spring Indoors and Advise on Buying Art.

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Out of the Blue!

Out of The Blue

I was contacted by the editor of Art Quilting Studio magazine recently. At the editor’s request, I submitted a couple of my art quilts for consideration to be published in an upcoming issue. I’ve been contacted before and had an article about me and one of my art quilts published, so I was hoping to be included in another issue.

. When the second editor contacted me just informed me that my art quilt WAS accepted for the the upcoming issue, I was thrilled!.

abstract & geometric Abstract and Geometric quilts Blog posts New quilts Recent Posts Silk Paintings

Orange and Blue, Hot Air Rising



I’ve been pretty busy last few months working on a commissioned piece. I really enjoyed working on it and I’m happy with how it turned out.

I took a moment to catch my breath and now I’ve started a new art quilt. It’s an abstract this time.

I love the colors orange and dark blue when they are used together. They set each other off and look awesome. When I painted the silk I wanted to feature those two colors in deep rich concentrations. I also added some elements of metallic gold and copper in there.

Here are a few shots of this new quilt in progress. It’s an abstract. I’ve finished the the applique and begun the thread painting. I want a very linear look.