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I Had A Little Idea


When making these art quilts, I had an idea,”Why not make several different framed art quilts, each one unique, yet designed to be hung together as a grouping?”. Sold together as a group, it would make an attractive display on the wall. 

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Summer Brings Many Art Events To Enjoy

This piece is by Dan . He has added glass metal and more. Notice the effect, just look at the waves froth.

In many communities, summer brings an exciting event, “Art In The Park”. You’ll notice it in a variety of cities, some small, others large.

In Las Vegas, my hometown, Art in the Park occupies several blocks. Art lovers pour in from everywhere.

They arrive by the bus load. It’s a “big event”.


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A Look Back Over My Shoulder, A glance At The Past

It felt good to have finished my Iris quilt.

It’s hanging in it’s new spot in it’s new home.

I did this commission for a friend, who commissioned it as a gift for one of her friends. It’s such a good feeling when you’re happy with the result of a work you started.

I think many artists are perfectionists, they often find it difficult to stop tweeking with their work. They’re looking for perfection & there’s always “something” think of adding which you feel would be a slight bInmo

find which you might would be a slight improvement, if you look long enough. Learning when to say “enough is enough” is hard to do






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It’s Blue and Pink and Finshed!!!

Blue and Pink A cherry blossom art quilt, it is a big size and all those cherry blossoms took a long  Time to make. I took the inspiration photos last spring and I have finally finished my art quilt. That’s a while.

I’ve had a few progress reports along the way, so I’m  sure that you have seen this quilt already.

Here’s my video of the finished art quilt.

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Blue and Pink

On a walk the other day, I passed under a group of cherry trees. I looked up. What I saw was a very blue sky that was filled with delicate pink blossoms. It made such a pretty sight, it needed to be photographed

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Think Art, See Art, It Surrounds Us.

Don’t you agree that one of the things which have a great effect on our lives is, what we think, our attitudes & what we believe to be true?

When we are convinced something is true, it colors our perception. If what we happen to believe is  wrong, the conclusions we draw could be wrong.

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You’re Never Without a Camera

  1.  On my walk one day last month looking up I saw delicate pink blossoms with sky blue behind them. Glorious cherry blossom time! Thanks to my smart phone I could snap off a few pictures. It is so easy to do with the smart phones most everyone carry.
  2. Another perk of always having a camera with you? Think of all the opportunities for selfies, we take them ever where we go. How fortunate we can chronicle every moment of our lives!
  3. I’m sure we have all found it convienentt.Thanks to my Smart phone I took a few pictures,  I started a new art quilt. Here are a few photos.
The silk painted and ready tours.

1-I’ve finished painting all the silk, Some pink that I’ll use to make the blossoms. I eventually made zillions of blossoms ( a wee exaggeration [but it felt like a zillion). Also the blue sky and limb colors  I was ready. Let the appliqueing begin.  like  like

2-At this point I’ve finished appliqueing everything onto the background and have begun thread painting.

Here are photos of progress

It’s coming along..

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 Banish Winter Doldrums, Bring Spring Indoors and Advise on Buying Art.

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Contrast, make your art quilts POP!


Put two opposites side by side, what happens?

How do you stand out in a crowd of people dressed in black?

Wear whit

I make art quilts for sale and  I do silk paintings. I want my work

to get noticed. Do you want art work that stands out on your walls?

Contrast can make a big difference.

Strong contrasts make things  stand out, they are noticed  immediately, commanding  your attention. A strong contrast will intensify the impact of the contrasting items.

The definition of the word contrast is the state of being strikingly different from something else, typically something in juxtaposition or close association.

Why my interest? I’ve been thinking about contrasts lately and more to the point, how can they be used effectively in to create interesting fiber art quilts.  I’ll get to that query later. But first I have one of my little stories to relate.

   Sane or insane? Earthling or alien?