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The Finish Line in Sight

It’s been months of work on this large new commissioned quilt and I am just about finished. I’ve gotten a lot done since my last post about it and will show you a few of the most recent pictures and my next post I show you the finished quilt.

It’s around 50″ wide. The fabric was painted, then appliqué was done, covering almost the entire quilt top. Finally the extensive thread painting  was completed. I’ve nearly finished the quilting. Almost at the finish line and leaving for Australia to rest in it’s new home, the office of the psychologist who commissioned the piece.

In Progress Nature Quilts New quilts Recent Posts

A Look Over My Shoulder, Work Continues On My Latest Commission.

I’ve made some real progress at this stage, as the photo reveals.

I’m posting a few pictures along the way, as I work on my latest art quilt commission. Feel free to look over my shoulder if you’d  like to follow my progress  along the way. As I mentioned in my last post, this art quilt was commissioned by a psychologist in Australia. The subject she chose was an exotic tree called the Royal Poicaat. It was completely unknown to me, but that was about to change. I scoured the web searching for photos and any details that I could find. What I found was a gorgeous tree.

Looking at so many images of this unfamiliar tree. I wanted to feature some of what I felt were it’s most interesting traits. Rather than doing a whole tree which would not show a large enough view of  these traits. I choose instead to show several branches drooping down from the  upper right side showing some of it’s curving limbs, amazing flowers and the leaves that looked like fern fronds.

.A few sketches to get a feel for this tree.

More pictures later as it comes along.

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Spring’s a Coming 



Sunshine, Warmth and Water = An Ecstasy of Color and Fragrance

Just bought pots of early spring flowers, the first to hit the stores this Oregon spring. Every winter at the  exact moment when you know you can’t take one more dark dreary day, then spring arrives at that exact moment we need it. The dark dreary days are immediately  forgotten and forgiven because  IT IS SPRING IN OREGON!! And Oregon is a mighty great place to be in the spring!!

With the prospect of all the lovely flowers to come, another thing comes to mind. Art quilts with wonderful flowers and the sights of spring, summer and even into fall.

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My Art Quilts Need a New Home. Do you realize

I’m going to put my big girl panties on!

  • My art quilts need a new home.
    • One day after I logged on, I found my blog theme had imploded, words filled every square inch.Words, titles, snippets from posts, letters covered my entire
    • home page.
  • A voice was screaming in my brain when I realized what this meant,”Arrrgh, I’ll have to set up a new theme all by myself”,“OHO.NOO What am I going to do?” A deep groan of despair escaped my lips “Who would I find to help me?”
  • The thought struck fear in my heart! I am tech challenged to put to put it  mildly,. 
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Contrast, make your art quilts POP!


Put two opposites side by side, what happens?

How do you stand out in a crowd of people dressed in black?

Wear whit

I make art quilts for sale and  I do silk paintings. I want my work

to get noticed. Do you want art work that stands out on your walls?

Contrast can make a big difference.

Strong contrasts make things  stand out, they are noticed  immediately, commanding  your attention. A strong contrast will intensify the impact of the contrasting items.

The definition of the word contrast is the state of being strikingly different from something else, typically something in juxtaposition or close association.

Why my interest? I’ve been thinking about contrasts lately and more to the point, how can they be used effectively in to create interesting fiber art quilts.  I’ll get to that query later. But first I have one of my little stories to relate.

   Sane or insane? Earthling or alien?

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How to manage my 24


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It Passes So Quickly

One day, for some reason, I read some my older posts. As I read, I noticed a common thread running through many.

I often seemed to be in a dither, “My shop is empty. My oh my! I need to make more quilts, More! More”. There weren’t enough hours in the day to  accomplish everything. 

It occurred to me that perhaps I was making  excuses for myself…hum, Could I benefit from an examination of my time management.

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A busy little bee, that’s me! Part 2

A Friendship Quilt

There are several new projects I’ll be sharing with you. As much as I enjoy making each art quilt I do, this one has meant the most to me. The reason,  it’s a gift for a friend and that’s the best kind of quilt to make.

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Bee Whisper, “Will You Bee my minion?” “I do”


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Update, Whew. I’ve Been Keeping Busy

I’ve been working fast and furious

I’ve been focusing on several quilts. As I’m wrapping up the Stained Glass Window quilt, it occurred to me that I may not have posted photos of  the other quilts I’d finished.They are both painted silk with thread painting.Here are a few photos. Both quilts are available on my website.

They are both painted silk with thread  painted,

Pink Blossoms Blue Sky

art quilt
Detailed view of the thread painting on Pink Blossoms Blue Sky

Pink Against Blue a fiber art quilt

Details of dogwood thread painting

The Red Egret art quilt 

              Here’s the other art quilt I’ve finished, the Red Egret, I began this art quilt with silk painting the                                   background. While doing that I roughly blocked in the color areas where the features of the design would later be placed. The egret was created almost exclusively with thread painting,
A pictue of the art quilt Red Egret in it’s entirity

The paints I mixed for the water I added a sprinkle of glitter to create the glints of  that are reflected off the glassy surface of the water. light makes when reflected

Red Egret fiber art quilt by Barbara Harms

               A detailed look at the thread painting that created the feathers.
Red Egret Fiber Art Barbara Harms

So there they are, a couple of the quilts I’ve finished. Next post I’ll show you the 3rd, a stained glass window quilt..  commission

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The Pigs Are Flying!

I have finally finished the long promised, illusive website which I have spoken of endlessly for months. Any second it would go live. But I realized finally the hopelessness of my quest. I lacked the most basic knowledge and skill needed. The advert for this template site was “Anyone could build a website in an afternoon”. “I’m an anyone, so why not?” I thought. Because no one counted on this anyone as so hopelessly beyond the simplest skills that any 4 year old child possesses. Months and months have passed. Finally with endless hours of tech support, a miracle! The Pigs Are Flying!

But it’s happened,  Come by and see.

The p20140513-172657.jpgigs are flying!