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Do You Dream In Color?

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I’ve been working on this art quilt off and on for quite a while. I vacillate between ” This is too insanely wild”  and “Oh I’m just having a little fun”. I ask myself “If I ever finished it, would I have the nerve to put it in my shop?” I haven’t got a clue, but in the meantime, I still just having fun.


2014-10-12 004

Blog posts In Progress Internet Nature Quilts New quilts Older Posts- Stylized Flowers Art Quilts The internet Uncategorized What's new?

That’s a Wrap, Hollyhocks and Ladybugs

BarbaraHarmsFiber Art Red Hollyhock Quilt



I’ve been working busily on my hollyhock quilt and now it’s finished. I’m a bit disappointed that it’s over, it was a really enjoyable project. I need to catch up on a few things and then officially start on my next commissioned quilt. I say “officially”, when in reality, I’ve been bouncing ideas around in my mind , long before today. I’ve done a few preliminary sketches, playing around with possibilities. I can already tell that I am going to find this an interesting project.

This red hollyhock art quilt was a commission. Commissions present an interesting challenge, I think it’s a beneficial to take a step back, and work on a theme that may not be your usual approach or subject matter. It might be stepping out of what has become your comfort zone.  For a commission to work, you need to translate it into your own interpretation of the subject. This was an easy quilt to capture my interest and spark my own enthusiasm.  It is a theme I enjoy working with. I love doing stylized flowers, and hollyhocks? Well goodness yes! That was a bit of a coincidence. My client loves hollyhocks, she even has their images on her business cards. When she received her quilt, I enclosed in the paperwork one of my older business cards, it also contained a wonderful image of hollyhocks . When this fact had first occurred to me, I had to  laugh, we were a good fit, my client and her artist.
I’ve posted some pictures of the progress along the way. Now it’s finished, here’s the finished red hollyhock quilt. It has it’s title now, “A Bug’s Eye View”. As I worked on the finishing touches,  my husband stood there looking at  the nearly finished quilt. He decided it needed a little bug in it. Humm…

It is a floral art quilt, I added a slightly contemporary spin, a little non traditional approach to a floral theme. I chose to give the flowers and stalks a disproportional profile. As my husband observed, this is how the large would appear, seen through the eyes of a tiny bug, dwarfed by it’s hugeness. I thought it might work, a cute little ladybug, that you would barely notice. But first, I needed to run the idea by Karen, the lovely lady who had commissioned the piece, how would she feel about this? She liked the idea and so my little ladybug became a part of this quilt. And that is how the red hollyhock art quilt came by it’s title “A Bug’s Eye View”.

You’ve seen the progression, here is the finished version. You may notice that the ladybug is missing, she truly was a last minute addition. I had already taken the final photos.

But after she was added into the picture, as I stared at the quilt, evaluating it, I realized that she was indispensable. She needed to be right where she is, looking up at the great big world from the ground, viewing a group of red hollyhocks.


I added texture to the leaves, they are not just visually dimensional, but have actual texture and dimension.

Barbara Harms Fiber Art a art quilt A Bug's Barbara Harms Fiber Art finished red hollyhock quilt top


Barbara Harms Fiber Art contemporary floral art quiltBarbara Harms Fiber Barbara Harms Fiber Art detail of the quilting on the hock art quilt


Barbara Harms Fiber Art a fiber art quilt with thread painted hollyhocks
Closer view of quilting





Barbara Harms Fiber Art red holly hocks art quilt

IMG_Ladybug quilt, landscape quilt, lady bug, hollyhock quilt


Barbara Harms Fiber Art modern art quilt
One of the thread painted hollyhocks



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Today’s the day, I’m excited!!

This has sold, One of several photos that hatched the inspiration for this quilt.!

I’ve been rattling off about being featured in Art Quilting Studio magazine. The feature will follow the progress of making this quilt, and the inspiration behind it. It was about finding inspiration everywhere and grab a pic of anything that interests you. It doesn’t have to be super high quality photography. Take your phone and snap it, it might give you inspiration later. With the few photo’s I took one late afternoon that was just about dusk, and there was a beautiful sunset with a row of trees silhouetted, it struck me.

So I took my handy phone camera out  and snapped off a few pics from the window of the moving car Shock this photo violated every rule of photography.

Still, I liked the blurred result when I saw them, the movement. But what I liked the most was the dark trees with the golden sunset behind them. I was at once struck with the thought “art quilt”, this was a future quilt in the making.

So inspiration can come from the strangest places, with digital take lots of pictures, delete the ones you dislike, file away for future ideas the ones you find interesting. You’ll never run short of inspiration.

I made the quilt. When an editor for Art Quilting Studio magazine approached me and suggested I submit this with the story, process of making it. I was happy it was going to be used. Here’s the quilt, the article came out today.

Art quilts, Barbara Harms Fiber Art, 1131 SW Ellis St, Dallas OR 039
This is 60 MPH Sunset
Art quilts, Barbara Harms Fiber Art, 1131 SW Ellis St, Dallas OR 039
This is 60 MPH Sunset

"60 MPH Sunset"

60 MPH Sunset

60 MPH Sunset-available for sale

60 MPH Sunset -
Detailed view

Hope you get to see my feature.

In Progress Older Posts- Recent Posts

On being photogenic and other things. Is this what I really look like?

I’ve been a busy little bee working on the two garden quilts mentioned in an earlier post. My main

focus at this point has been to finish the first one and save the other crazy wild garden for last. It

promises to be fun. The thread painting  on this first garden has taken quite a while, there is so much

detail I’ve logged in a lot of hours already, but I’m liking the way it’s going so far.I

have completed a lot of that, the end is in sight. Just a few more details to wrap up, Oh,there’s the sky

to do, I forgot. That’s more than a little detail I suppose. Well anywho, then I  can get down to quilting

it. So here’s a few updated photos. It’s starting to take shape.

Blue and Orange garden

The color is off, but you get an idea of where I’m going. The stalks haven’t not been added yet,

leaving several flowers sort of hanging in the air, but they will have stocks soon, give em an anchor to

the ground.

flower detail

This is a closer look at some not finished peach flowers on the bottom right and left sides. The color

looks horrendous in this photo, it is really quite pretty in person, but that’s the thing with photos. I’ve

had several absolutely gorgeous quilts that were not photogenic. They looked so different in photos

than in person.

One recent example is a new quilt I just listed on Etsy,” Rain Forest Canopy”. It’s an abstract.

After I had finished the fabric painting and it had dried, I could take a look at it closely, the-big 

unveiling, it exceeded my expectations, it came out super good. There is always an element of surprise

with fabric painting. At a certain point in the process you lose some control and it effects the

outcome, you can surprise yourself. Sometimes there are pieces that turn out especially good, they

exceed your expectationsthis was one of those. I loved it!

When you have those special ones come out, you don’t want to squander this art fabric.

You want to use it in the best possible way that highlights it. If you plan applique,  you have to be

careful that you don’t cover too much of the design, it can’t shine through. The way you quilt it too,

you don’t want to quilt in a way that clashes with it or obscures what makes it special. 

So I gave this a lot of thought, long before I ever began to make an art quilt with it. When I had

finished the quilt, I was really happy with the result. I thought the quilting and design fit it. It works

with the fabric rather than against. And the abstract quilting? Just the coolest ever. I did my

abstract thread painting, using thread that has deep rich colors and metal threads add shimmer.

Great, I’m all happy woo who! This is a really good one. Then I took the photos of it. It looked flat, you

couldn’t sense how cool it was from any of the photos.The fabric colors which I loved, don’t show well.

Sometimes quilts just don’t photograph well. Me either, take 100 photos, you won’t get a good one I

guarantee.I’ve had maybe 5 photos taken in my entire life that came out decent.

I’m beginning to wonder is this what I really look like?

 I just recycle the few decent ones. So if you see a photo of a cute 4 year ol

on my avatar that’s me!It’s One of the few. BTW My current avatar is a few years old 5 maybe, it’s not

from 30 years ago.

My husband needed a photo avatar for my phone number on his phone. He took 3 or 4, awful. I’m

thinking I don’t want his work mates to see that,”well that’s some ugly wife ya got there”. No way,

He’s going to have a decent pic of his wife in his phone. I took the phone, reversed the camera for self

shoot. I tried about 30 photos, I’m not exaggerating not a one. Not photogenic.

peach flower


Peach flower

orange and blue

orange and blueNo pictures thanks…


Archeives Blog posts Entertain in style Just Fun Older Posts- Uncategorized


I will attempt to correct my earlier mishap post , which combined 2 different threads in one post. It was  was accidentally mis-posted uncorrected. I seem to be finding myself with this problem quite frequently. i took it for granted they were the fault of Windows, Word press or whichever platform I used. “Cursed be Windows or WordPress, how unreliable” was my battle cry..But lately I am noticing a pattern the common denominator seems to be me, in every case.

 Well honesty is raising it’s annoying little head shedding light and reason on the subject. I have to admit to an unpleasant thought which has occurred to me,  it is not the fault of Windows, nor is it the fault of Word Press, it certainly is not the fault of my computer. It might be me, oh of course it is me. So sorry dear readers, I am the source of these little mishaps.

I’m hoping you find this charmingly amusing,”Oh that Barbara Harms, she is such a nincompoop”. Yet you find yourself strangely drawn to read on anyway, even if it is only to be amazed at the level of  of ineptitude, surely this is not possible.  Perhaps it has become a little game, mark your calendar, “oh here’s another one, I can’t imagine any one person capable of so many blunders!” Soon you’ll begin to look for them, like a lively game of “Where’s Waldo?”. And don’t we all love that game? Of course we do!!

Here’s another opportunity, I am going to correct that post, with a long drawn out one [that’s a mistake in itself. Score one}. Here are a few cakes that I’ve made, for various parties.

 Bear in mind these were made by a nonprofessional cake novice. Tasting good was not a requirement, only did they add to the ambiance of the occasion?  Remember they all have their little side tilt and misapplied icing, but I love theme parties and cakes are a good way to pull together a theme.

 Now on to the post. This will be a series, I have just decided looking at the massive length already. These are thrown in the Obsessive entertainment style. By definition this involves never knowing when enough is enough,that’s my hallmark. I’ll show a couple today and save more for the series posts known as  Obsessive Entertaining, I style I love.


The first theme is cutesy or precious

Girls tea partyIMG_0066

I made little daisy wreaths for girls to wear

[ “You will wear this until I get pictures!” says one Mommie

to her cutesy child. It’s all about the kids.]

Table girls tea


OBSESSIVE, I MADE THE NAPKINS AND TABLE TOPPER. Please note the cute pink flower trim all along the bottom of the topper. This is an excellent example of the OBSESSIVE style, You never know when you are carrying your theme too-far. 

No one else will even notice, but you’ll know it is there.

Next theme, A Mary Engelbreit Tea Party

“The queen of everything and princess of quite a lot”

This is my interpretation of a Mary Engelbreit tea party

The kids will not know who Mary Englebreit is, but they will like the colors and tea pots. Many Mommies may recognize this adorable quaint style of Mary Englebreit. For the Obsessive hostess it offers a theme to rally around and center the entire party around. Finding as many ways possible to weave that theme in with every conceivable way possible is the point. The tinier the detail, the more satisfying for our hostess.

Mary tea party cakeMary Englebreit

 A few Obsessive touches. I made the place cards using paper dolls. The teapot cake was based on a Mary Engelbreit cake I thought was cute. I used a large ceramic baking casserole bowl to bake the cake in. Then I shaped as needed to look teapot- ish, with a large cake knife. Now with the “tea pot cake” body finished we will follow the same process for the lid.. The lid was baked in a smaller bowl and shaped with the cake knife. The spout, handle and lid tip were fashioned from fondant. I used a few toothpicks to stabilize them where they  attached to the teapot cake.

I made the table topper and napkins using fabric from a Mary Englebriet fabric line. You’ll notice the classic Obsessive Style, on closer inspection of the napkins, a strip of blue check fabric along the edges and blue rick rac .The napkin rings are from Mary Englebriet, tiny teapots. The cups along and luncheon plates were also from Mary Engelbreit.  

Mary  tea

Tea cookies

Archeives Blog posts Entertain in style Just Fun Older Posts-

Cakes update for themed parties, more entertaining, part two

Themed Parties, Special Times!!!  More Entertaining, part two

Ode to the Cherry Blossoms

The thought behind this luncheon was based on a charming observance practiced In Japan. In appreciation for the natural beauty of the blooming cherry  trees, as each new variety begins it’s bloom cycle, the Japanese travel there. Enjoying the spectacular beauty while picnicking under the trees.  As the next variety of cherry tree begins it’s bloom cycle, they travel to see the next spectacular display of beautiful blossoms, this continues until the last trees lose their blossoms. Isn’t that such a beautiful tradition?

How do they know where to go and when the different varieties have begun their bloom cycle? Updates are announced, I imagine them like ski reports, “Fresh snow at Tahoe, good ski conditions”. I may be oversimplifying the cherry blossom tradition, I read about it in a book and was instantly delighted by the beautiful images it conjured in my mind.thought. I wanted  to have my own  tribute to the cherry blossoms, and this luncheon came from that idea. Ode to the Cherry Blossom!

Welcome the Cherry Blossom luncheon


I made the obi and tied it- the internet, a wealth of information available
I made the obi and tied it- the internet, a wealth of information available



Cherry Blossom Luncheon-the cake I decorated
Cherry blossom limb made with fondant.
It's Raining Pink- detail
These cherry blossoms will will soon finish their spectacular display, then on to the next blooming trees.

                                                                                                                                                                                             A Party For A Special Friend 

Here’s a going away luncheon for a friend who was, you guessed was moving away. I wanted it to fit her personality. She loves cats, no she isn’t a quilter but does do many beautiful hand crafts, I believes she crochets as well.

She collects childhood memorabilia, that stir special childhood memories, like Raggedy Ann. Do you remember her? I sure do. Oh, the fun of imaging a world filled with fairies, trees that had little houses in them & candy growing on trees and dolls who had candy hearts. The book’s were from a gentler time, they contained the most beautiful illustrations that stirred a young girl’s imagination.

However, a problem I encountered, I just couldn’t find enough Raggedy Ann memorabilia  [ at least what I could afford] to support a tea luncheon. But her quilt [ of course there was quilt giving involved!] was old fashioned and fit that kind of childhood  memory.

I’m no pro but tried to make the cake cute. I made one in a style that I thought she would like. It had  to have a kitty on it! She loves her kitty cats .



Going away tea

Spring Tea Parties

Surrounded by Overflowing Gardens, Fragrance in the Air, Gentle Sun Light and The Romance of Yesteryear

My Annual Spring Tea Party, spring flowers abloom.

Here are a few cakes I made for my annual spring Victorian tea parties. Ladies who love to dress up in older romantic styles, big hats, lace tablecloths who are  surrounded by a spring garden overflowing with roses, foxglove and maybe a few late blooming peonies, pretty tea cups, tiny sweets and cucumber sandwiches, this is a party for you.

I know there are many quilters drawn to this sort of thing, not all of course, but quite a few. There are many gardeners among us & flower lovers. These proclaim a happy “Ouugh, that’s so pretty” when seeing a beautiful teapot. I’ve seen you on Pinterest and know my theory is right. Why, just judging from the many old fashioned floral fabrics and patterns, that proves my That much is obvious, because manufactures wouldn’t keep manufacturing them, if no one liked them. Look around at the fabric in popular quilt shops, and at the patterns. Thumb through a few quilting magazines, you’ll have to agree, even if your taste runs towards more contemporary,  you’ll still see my point. And by the way, you can like both styles,[ I know that I do].

Back to the topic of spring tea parties. I haven’t done a spring tea in a long time, just not up to it. But I love doing them, despite the massive work involved, maybe you would enjoy throwing one someday soon? Be sure to post the pictures, I would love it!!! And I think that many other closet romantics would as well.





So there you have it, a few cakes and parties I’ve thrown for several special occasions. I’m a self taught amatuer and it takes me literally a whole day to do one, not including the baking. At the end of the day’s work. my entire self, kitchen, floor and sink are covered with colored icing & powdered sugar. There’s so many discolored bowls, dishcloth’s and fingers tinted by the cake decorating colors that it looks like an unsupervised 2 year old was let loose, having the best unsupervised time of his life. Throwing sugar up into the air, pretending it was a snow storm. Painting the walls with icing, as he had observed daddy painting walls last week, but Daddy used a brush, he’d made due..Rolling in icing like Spot does on the lawn. Then painting his entire body with icing and making his own tattoos on himself, just like the ones his older teenaged brother had, but lots more. Of course his bro would never choose pink cake coloring as the ink color, but no matter, sometimes we must make due with what is available to us. The he finger painting with the food coloring, like the paintings his sister brings home from kindergarten. But he couldn’t think of any way imitate his mother’s eyes with lighting bolts coming out of them as soon as she saw this lovely mess, so he skipped her. But all in all, his unsupervised play day was a complete success and the most fun he had ever experienced in his whole supervised  life of 2 years. That’s my kitchen and me after a cake!

You’ve never seen such a mess!  I save it for only a few special occasions  I have to admit it though, it is fun, if it doesn’t turn out to be a flop that is. I take pictures of my masterpieces and force them on other people, at any excuse, just as I am doing now. But at least you have to option to leave my blog, just imagine if I had you corned in my living room, you’d be trapped with no polite way to escape me and my boring photos. Count yourselves fortunate, at least I haven’t drug out travel photos yet, but  don’t think for a minute I wouldn’t do it. I do have a miniscule amount of common sense, you can only  push a person so much, before they go postal on  you. And besides, I’d  lose all my readers for sure!

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Cherry Blossoms, It’s Raining Pink!

Blog posts famous quilters Inspire! Interviews 1 Older Posts- This & Thàt

Ann Fahl’s secret to amazing applique

Applique Ann's Way

Ann Fahl recently sent me her latest booklet, Applique Ann’s Way”.  I couldn wait to . get it out of the bubble wrap and packing.

I predict this will be welcomed with enthusiasm.

When the subject of applique arises many quilters feel intimidated, it seems so difficult. It can be like the old monster in the closet that we feared as a child. BOOO, scary. But in reality, there is nothing to fear. It is an imagined monster.

Interviews 2 Older Posts-

Marion Barnett sent me one of her books, a great resource for fiber artists.

ZI’ve just recently received a book from the talented UK fiber artist Marion Marnett. It is about a product called  Lutradur .

It seems  relatively unknown here in the states, certainly seems to be used infrequently. In any case, I’ve not  heard about it, until reading  Marion’s Face Book page .]. She is enthusiastic and that enthusiasm is catchy.  Marion uses it extensively in much of her beautiful  work. The fact that she’s written a whole book about it, leads me to believe this is a great product. She has stirred my curiosity. I thought it might interest you as well.

Marion’s book’s is entitled ” Lovely Lutradur” by Marion Barnett & Dijanne Cevaal. In her book she explains what it is, its properties &  it’s application. She has included projects and a gallery, which give examples of what this product can add to your work.

If  you are already familiar with Lutradur  [hence providing me an example of the value of  thorough research, driving home this lesson,” to avoid embarrassment, check the facts thoroughly” ].  share your experience with us please.

I’m dying to try it in myself. I’ll update you on my results. In the meantime, check  out the interview I did with Marion back in November

From photo to art
From photo to art One of Marion’s pieces.
Interviews number two

Barbara Olson a Cinderella Quilt Artist

An Interview with Barb Olson

Barb Olson, you’ve seen her award winning art quilts, beautiful, bright glorious color with intricate design.

You may have read ‘/

Her work has received much recognition; magazines, books and certainly quilt shows too numerous to relate here. Perhaps the highest accolade she’s received is that one of Barb’s quilts was chosen as one of the top 100 quilts of the century.